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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Eric O is a no-balls child of a Michigander. I may legitimately de-patriotize that turdbiscuit myself next time he tries to speak out of line without his Daddy's (Justin Basch) permission. Greasy-haired little bitch.
  2. So this Georgian who is wrestling for Bronze right now? We have what... 4 Americans who have beaten him in the last year?
  3. To me him losing to Dake negates that. Dake is also a two timer.
  4. Listen, man. You got to be open to experimentation. If you aren't willing to (d)evolve, then you and your S.O. will suffer for it. Don't suffer. Surthrive.
  5. You mean he doesn't want to represent Athletes for Independent Neutrasia?
  6. The Ukrainian looked great in her fast work of a pin. This Chinese lady is handling her, though.
  7. He would have to sit two more years or something like that? Not sure. He already went from Russia to Bahrain in 2022. He wouldn't be eligible until 2025 Worlds and that is if Worlds were after 9/18/25.
  8. You're a hoot, man. Wait until you meet the guy (if you ever meet him). He has... transcended humanity. He projects that as well. His mantra. It's entertaining and he is an entertainer at this point in his career. Nicky Skeletor isn't far off, either. I just don't see him getting up to 74 KG like Chamizo.
  9. Jacara looking good. I imagine she goes 53... I wouldn't mind her going 57 for Oly.
  10. Nah. Sorry for calling you stupid - I don't know you well enough to say something like that and it was wrong to do. I was mixcited.
  11. You aren't speaking with cultured folk here. We assumed Worlds and Olympics with that question. In either case, Gomez won silver in 2010 and Espinal 2012.
  12. Why are they letting these little men from Japan wrestle these women? I joke, obviously.
  13. Snyder is still like 22... he will be fine. I do think that he needs something more than a single leg, though.
  14. If he does forfeit does he not wrestle the 'True 5th' matches for Olympics?
  15. Sadulaev looked physically off in every match. Slow. Plodding. He might forfeit.
  16. You're still stupid. You know that, right? Want my tinfoil hat to cover your bald spot(s)?
  17. Did Sadulaev read my post saying it was fixed? Obviously.
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