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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Now Woodley needs to somehow get that Oklahoman Bono to let him wrastle.
  2. Hehehhehehehehehehehe Haaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  3. Never said that. Don't be stupid. You can choose to ignore everything I said of you wish. It only makes you look even more stupid.
  4. I am hoping to see them at one tournament in some way, shape, or form before or at OTT for 86 KG. Foster has proven to be the better 86 KG guy having made it further when they have been in the same brackets.
  5. I don't think Brands at anything other than 174 is a good thing. He is tough and hard-nosed... can handfight and claw with the best of 'em... but he isn't big enough for 184. We saw that already. I think it would need to be Swafford or Caliendo at 184 with PK at 165. PK is also too small for anything other than 165. He has the head of a 197lber, though.
  6. I think Lujan just wouldn't have anything for Keckeisen. At all. While I do think Foster could make it interesting with PK I do think Lujan also has a very real chance to beat Foster. I barely remember Loder, but I know he would very much be in the matches (he was up there towards 120 career wins wasn't he and a three time Blood Round loser - taking 7th his soph or junior season?). I think Caldwell is out of his element entirely.
  7. Greetings All, I was meandering about... being a fan and all that. I randomly decided to think about how I wanted Parker Keckeisen to go 197 last season because of how soundly Brooks had defeated him at the NWCA All-Star Classic. Some schools just churn out badass after badass after badass at certain weights... It then got me thinking about the last ten years of wrestling at schools and we currently have a PK thread on the front page here. If we were to go back the last ten years (easy to use Wrestlestat to help although once you're before 2015/2016 the ELO ratings are complete shit)... anyways... if we were to go back ten years we have UNI with five (5) different starters who were all NQ previously. How does a Round Robin go with these gents... Parker Keckeisen (2021 3rd, 2022 3rd, 2023 2nd) Taylor Lujan (2020 1st - Seeded #1 in cancelled 2020 NC) Drew Foster (2017 7th, 2018 R16, 2019 1st) Cody Caldwell (2015 DNQ, 2016 DNQ) Ryan Loder (2014 R12) To break it further down... SEASON WRESTLER WINS LOSSES PLACE ELO 2023 Parker Keckeisen 26 2 2nd 1628 2022 Parker Keckeisen 30 2 3rd 1574 2021 Parker Keckeisen 18 1 3rd 1507 2020 Taylor Lujan 28 2 1st 1562 2019 Drew Foster 28 5 1st 1528 2018 Drew Foster 26 6 NQ 1473 2017 Drew Foster 26 6 7th 1465 2016 Cody Caldwell 8 10 DNQ 1300 2015 Cody Caldwell 14 8 DNQ 1305 2014 Ryan Loder 15 4 R12 1399 I am curious how folks think a Round Robin looks here. This is what I think... Keckeisen - 4W-0L Foster - 3W-1L Lujan - 2W-2L Loder - 1W-3L Caldwell - 0W-4L Another reason I bring this up is that had PK gone 197 last year I imagine he would have gone it this year, which puts Wyatt Voelker at 184 for them... which he still can do after PK graduates (or next season?). Just dabbling and bored. Discuss.
  8. He isn't moving the goalposts, you're just being intentionally dense and it is frustrating for a factual guy like Wkn. Quit being a dolt.
  9. All signs point to that, yes.
  10. I agree with everything you said. I still think Ulry - Andonion - Brady is their best 1 - 2 - 3 punch at 157-174 if Lewis goes up.
  11. I am with you here. It makes more sense (to me).
  12. Curious what they have on tap insofar as matches. Would be awesome to see a Brooks - Buchanan or Brooks - Elam match out the gate at 197. Here is my wish list... 125 - Jakob Comacho, NC State VS Matt Ramos, Purdue 133 - Aaron Nagao, Penn State VS Sam Latona, Virginia Tech 141 - Jesse Mendez, Ohio State VS Beau Bartlett, Penn State 149 - Ridge Lovett, Nebraska VS Kyle Parco, Arizona State 157 - Peyton Robb, Nerbaska VS Jacori Teemer, Arizona State 165 - Cameron Amine, Michigan VS David Carr, Iowa State 174 - Shane Griffith, Michigan VS Chris Foca, Cornell 184 - Mekhi Lewis, Virginia Tech VS Parker Keckeisen, Northern Iowa 197 - Trent Hidlay, NC State VS Rocky Elam, Missouri 285 - Yonger Bastida, Iowa State VS Zach Elam, Missouri Bonus Match: 184 - Dustin Plott, Oklahoma State VS Bernie Truax, Penn State Trying to be realistic here in that typically a school only sends one or two per...
  13. Looks like it will be in State College this year... https://www.themat.com/news/2023/october/05/2023-nwca-all-star-classic-set-for-november-21-at-penn-state
  14. I am honestly thinking Vito lets Gilman challenge for the spot. When is last chance? Is that after OTT? If so, he might be willing to trust that route.
  15. The only reason I would think he might not make the trip is if he is pitch counting because of him trying to keep his weight down and close to 57 KG. I don't think Orine is one of the guys he needs to avoid, though, and might want to get a match in against him.
  16. JB already hit the nail on the head but I am going to add to it... Every single time I have gone to any major tournament, domestic or international, for myself, family, friends, etc... we don't only go over to wrestle. That is the reason we are there, yes... we also go to experience the culture. I have made connections worldwide I never would have had I not traveled overseas - both personal and professional - that I still have today. Thinking that the experience is just one match when you go 0-1 is truly very ignorant and shows that you have neither been a part of a national team, traveled overseas specifically for wrestling, or that you even know anybody that meets either of those criteria. Stay in your lane.
  17. If Gregor D is back and healthy, the loser of him and Ungar might be the backup at 125/133? I am ignorant here so I must defer to @BigRedFan.
  18. I can't imagine it would be any easier for him to go 174 as it would Lewis, if Lewis were going up. That said... what other option(s) would VTech have? 157/165/174 would be some amalgamation of Andonion, Ulry, and Brady. I am okay with that... they would need time, though. Ulry then Andonian then Brady would be my guess at best option (157/165/174) were that the case. EDIT: I like Andonian at 165 because that makes 74 KG an option for him in Freestyle. That said... 157lbs is 71.2 KG... if he were to try for Greco glory, he would need to go 67 KG or 77 KG. 165lbs is 74.8 KG so... maybe? Anyone giving him a chance against Bey/Perkins/etc?
  19. I think Shapiro dismantles Scott, to be honest. Loew, I can see. Loew balled out at one tournament two seasons ago and took some losses, albeit while injured, last season that drop his Rating down. Keep in mind that is a capital R there for Rating. These are purely off results and don't factor in injuries, poor weight cuts, or developmental leaps.
  20. Initial Wrestlestat Projections: Cornell over Iowa State 21-13 https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/20/cornell/35/iowa-state Cornell over Ohio State 24-9 https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/20/cornell/55/ohio-state Cornell over Virginia Tech 16-15 https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/20/cornell/74/virginia-tech Cornell over Missouri 17-15 https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/20/cornell/43/missouri NC State over Cornell 21-11 https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/20/cornell/47/nc-state
  21. Not sure how I glazed over the Collegiate Duals on December 18th, which will at least have them facing Iowa State, Little Rock, and Pittsburgh.
  22. Flo had a decent article on it... https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/11283451-cornell-wrestling-schedule-2023-2024-what-to-know
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