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Everything posted by Antitroll2828

  1. Yea the 4x AA ,2 x finalist won his title with luck and it finally ran out …did you put on oversized shoes and bright red nose before you typed this out?
  2. I don’t think it matters what kind of surgery he had , he AAed coming back from major shoulder surgery, with stress fractures in both his big toes , a torn acl in one knee , torn meniscus in the other knee , surgery 2 weeks before big 12s and a 28 seed ..Cardinale is one tough sob
  3. None of the above , Allred was the matchup nightmare for him and ncaa seeding did him no favors giving them the 8/9 seeds and hitting Thursday night…he lost 5 matches ,a pair of 2 point matches one weekend in December then was undefeated until the big 10 finals against allred , dropped to him again at ncaas . Only other lose was giving up a lead with seconds left to traux then dropping the match in OT. He was an undersized 197 who wrestles a lot of close matches sometimes that catches up to you ..he still beat five AAs and went undefeated in big ten duals and wrestled every dual this season
  4. https://wvusports.com/news/2023/3/24/blog-cardinales-toughness-and-persistence-leads-to-another-all-america-season.aspx Not only did he AA as the 28 seed, coming off major shoulder injury from last season he started the season finding out he had stress fractures in both big toes . After some time off he returned around midlands and immediately tore his acl, after sitting out a few weeks he came back to practice and immediately had a complete bucket handle meniscus tear , he had the meniscus repair surgery just 2 weeks before big 12s and 27 days before the start of nationals . He wrestled all matches at ncaas including the meaningless 7th/8th match…guy is an absolute warrior and he did all this while in medical school this guy should be the one selling excuses are for wussies gear
  5. Cornell was insane during the height of Covid …with contact tracing if you were even in class with someone that later tested positive a bus would show up and remove you and move you a quarantine hotel in the middle of campus, students weren’t allowed to go home without permission and they were denying all religious exemptions for the vax …so yea I’d say those disrespected his rights
  6. True but he didn’t wrestle senior year because of Covid shenanigans and hurt his knee early in his redshirt year and didn’t wrestle much so he definitely had some rust to shake off and to build some of his confidence back up
  7. Lol you only beat me by 9 I still made money on the whole thing so that’s the friendliest ass kicking ive ever had
  8. This is correct , daton can sit this upcoming year with the Olympic and wrestle his 5th year at 26/27
  9. Van ness is the first recruit that I can remember Cael really talked up and gushed about before he even hit the mat , Cael usually pretty stoic when asked about young guys “ they re doing well”, “they are learning” “we ll see what happens” , but with van ness his eyes lit up and he was talked about how van ness can really wrestle and how excited he was to see him compete..that alone should tell you enough about van ness potential
  10. I’m not passing judgement just passing on information , honestly my first impression was this is just some pissed off gen Z kids retaliating for not starting or getting chewed out but we ll see as more info comes forward
  11. Joel Greenlee , Cody Walters and shakur laney all placed in administrative leave , apparently 2 athletes claim to have been physically assaulted at practice ..article is pretty lean on information https://www.whio.com/news/local/ohio-university-wrestling-staff-placed-leave-following-allegations-assault/KXXDR2QZFNAMFKPV5X3MZFXS3E/
  12. https://pennstate.forums.rivals.com/threads/carson-manville-surgery-for-compartment-syndrome.232650/ Top post shows the rare surgery he had, he wasn’t heard from much after that
  13. People on the Iowa board have seen have seemed pretty certain for awhile he won’t be wrestling for them
  14. A week ago I would’ve agreed but Courtney ended up taking 3rd losing only to the eventual champ ..do you think Figs would have taken 3rd or better ?
  15. Van ness was beating yianni 3-2 with about a minute left in the 3rd , yianni got in deep on a shot and instead of turning down giving up the 2 and working for an escape to tie it up at 4 he tried to fight it and got caught on his back trying to dive roll out of it …a mistake a freshman can’t afford to make against a 4xer and world team member
  16. HEW means Had enough Wrestling , some guys just get burnt out and Kerk looked pretty burnt out to me this past weekend
  17. Word going around was rby was hurt Thursday night or Friday morning , nothing major but enough to limit his quickness a bit …Kerk looked like he has the biggest case of HEW ever documented though ..and he still made the finals lol
  18. Feldkamp is done , in his post 7th place match interview he talked about how grateful he is to end his career with a win and medal , and I don’t see Noto leaving he transferred from nc state to lock haven originally , I don’t see him transferring again
  19. Emory Parker lost first round in 2018 and came back for 3rd
  20. I think the worst tactical mistake was Kerkvilet not trying to score or even attempt to win in the ncaas finals and looking like he d rather be anywhere else on earth all weekend long
  21. Depends on the venue , MSG you could get tickets a week before , Pittsburgh was kind of a disaster and sold out quick , can’t buy tickets yet but u can sign up on ncaa .com and they’ll send you updates and a notification when they first go on sale
  22. Maueller is back again? Feels like he’s been in college forever
  23. Bartlett wasn’t even a qualifier his first year and 1-2 the next , jimmy would’ve ditched him and he would’ve placed 3rd for someone else
  24. Abounader quit representing Lebanon basically giving up his wrestling career bc of blatant racism towards Jews and now he can never go to the country out of danger
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