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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. Wasn’t Stanford crazy about Covid stuff too though? I know Griffith complained about it
  2. So what happened at Cornell?
  3. 1032004


    I wouldn't be so sure Coleman gets the HC job. I did initially think that was a foregone conclusion, but it sounds like he may have gotten a pay raise, and has family in the area, etc. It may be a good move for him even if he doesn't get the HC job...as long as the new coach wants to keep him of course if he doesn't get it.
  4. Mormons are Christians. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics-essays/christians?lang=eng
  5. The guy who was praying at the middle of the football field? The most important quote from that decision IMO is this: "Kennedy offered his prayers quietly while his students were otherwise occupied" and that he made "short, private, personal prayer" Doing your own prayer and then having players join in wouldn't be the same as IF religion is being promoted at practices/private team functions, etc.
  6. Sorry, "promote" Jesus I have no issue with wrestlers being religious or even talking about it a lot (as long as they are not disparaging other religions...) I would have an issue IF religion is being promoted by the coaching staff at state or "state-related" schools. I really have no idea whether this is happening or not at PSU, and knowing Cael's typical adherence to rules I'd probably guess it's not. Maybe something started this apparent correlation with PSU seemingly having a higher % of very religious wrestlers awhile back (although one thing to keep in mind is that PSU guys win more often and thus are interviewed more often so it may just be partly more noticeable due to that), but at this point it seems guys that are both really good at wrestling and also religious are simply attracted to PSU.
  7. Michigan might still be the oldest for this season if I had to guess. Looks like they have 4 projected starters in their 6th year (DeAugustino, Lewan, Griffith, Davison) plus 2 more in their 5th (Cannon, Amine).
  8. I thought it was odd that that poster needed to go back almost 10 years for some of his examples of non-religious PSU wrestlers, and one of them (Taylor) probably isn’t even a good example IIRC. Obviously there are/have been some star PSU wrestlers that aren’t/weren’t religious, but definitely appears that many are. Clearly it seems to be working, if for no other reason than to give them something else they enjoy besides wrestling. Being a “state-related” school that I presume is bound by restrictions on separation of church and state, I’d also find it odd if any of it was coming from Cael or the coaching staff. Cassar’s interview is the first evidence I can recall that it may have been, but yes I suppose as long as he doesn’t talk about Jesus etc. than he’s likely in the clear.
  9. Maybe Lofthouse's former teammate, Tony Ramos?
  10. Yeah I thought Bartlett did, as well as Taylor and Nolf. I don't think I've ever seen a SVN interview, but I don't recall Cenzo talking about God all that much. Ruth (and Taylor) graduated almost 10 years ago, so seems odd that those were the best examples they could come up with.
  11. I thought he got made fun of more for the Advocare stuff than the camps?
  12. Starocci IIRC. Unless thinking he’s God counts (which I know may be a bit of an act for social media)
  13. “US courts have ruled that schools are an ‘arm of the state’ and thus can do nothing to hinder or promote religion” https://news.cornellcollege.edu/2019/11/ask-expert-separation-church-state-mean-americas-public-schools-report/
  14. State-related? Does that impact their requirement to abide by separation of Church and state? Although I suppose Cael may also be in the clear anyway if he only talks about “faith” and not Jesus or any specific religion.
  15. Now I guess in theory that could have more occurred while Cassar was part of NLWC and not PSU, but seems odd for a coach at a state school. Good interview overall though. This quote is around 29:30.
  16. I saw that allegedly part of the reason for his quick departure from Queens U was he was trying to poach athletes from a nearby school. I guess that means he at least seemed to care about winning...
  17. Would think you wouldn't want someone to say "good riddance" to a "great person," right?
  18. 1032004


    Wonder if this gets pushed back due to yesterday’s events?
  19. Yeah I guess that's where the difference is with the Iowa guys then if they can't ORS out of it, since it seems Fix's ORS was essentially counted as part of his suspension.
  20. Yeah first I'm hearing of this as well
  21. Yes Hokit was who I brought up initially but it was pointed out that he never actually played in a regular season game. I wouldn’t really count Covington as a D1 wrestler if he only wrestled in three matches. I guess my point is that Hokit’s NFL career is probably similar to most of the guys that were on both wrestling and football teams and got a taste of the NFL back in the day. Making the NFL is hard
  22. Fix was still suspended by the NCAA during the following season but could come back for the postseason. I do agree that his suspension should have been at least as long as the more harsh gambling suspensions.
  23. Looks like the only time he got pinned last season was by Barnett at NCAA’s. He had a bunch of losses but most were to pretty good guys, and did have wins over Courtney, Ventresca, Peterson, and Heinselman.
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