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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. No way anyone has more than like a 10% chance of winning and there’s definitely like 25 guys that can win. I’d go something like: Ramos 10% Noto 10% Figueroa 10% Ayala 10% Stanich 5% Smith 5% Barnett 5% Flynn 5% Surtin 4% DeAugustino 4% Spratley 4% Camacho 4% Peterson 4% Provo 3% Volk 3% Davis 3% McKee 3% Kaylor 3% All others 5%
  2. I think it’s close, but a bunch of matches could go either way 141 - Iowa heavy favorites 157 - Iowa slight favorite 165, 184, 285 - Mizzou heavy favorites 197 - Mizzou slight favorite 125, 133, 149, 174 - tossups
  3. Mostly making fun of his chewing tobacco habit
  4. Speaking of Willie, gotta admit, the BEG guy making fun of him was kinda funny
  5. Ha, yup. The Kueter bit was a little weird. It kinda seemed like Tom was mad that Kueter was disappointed in his performance?
  6. Dom Zaccone. Apparently makes $70k A MONTH selling Pokémon cards?? Not sure what the expenses are but still, crazy. And still uses three chairs to hold up his TV, now that’s humble. Fun video. Chase Horne from NC State was pretty funny. Apparently Kai Orine enjoys asking strangers if he can take them down.
  7. Anyone else think Shapiro looked a little gassed at the end of his match?
  8. “I don’t know what day it is except that it’s Monday”
  9. Plus 12 “other” votes Ayala in the lead with 15 votes, followed by Ramos with 10 and Davis with 9. Noto a distant fourth with 5
  10. Make up call from the undeserved stalling against Hardy?
  11. Guys he’s beaten at NCAA’s alone: 2023 - DeAugustino (4th 2022) 2022 - Courtney (2nd/6th/3rd) 2022 & 2021 - Barnett (7th/8th) 2022 - Cardinale (8th 2023) 2021 - Hildebrandt (4th 2021) 2021 - Lamont (5th 2021) Seems pretty good to me.
  12. Flo had actually put Braeden Davis in the rankings before he ever wrestled a dual…that may have been a bit premature
  13. Flobros are not waiting (which I agree with), Intermat is. Not that it really matters at the end of the day, but IMO “high probability” = should be in the rankings
  14. There’s always a chance, but I’d bet it’s about 95% Davis goes and 80% for Kasak. Are they not ranking any true freshman from any school until after they’ve had 6 dates? That would be the only way this might make some sense.
  15. Maybe these are what cured Gilman’s foot a few years back?
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