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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. All part of God’s plan. But in all seriousness, as Lou was alluding to, IMO Cael’s best talent is turning regular season losses into postseason wins. I don’t know if I’d say it so definitively but I guess with Cael you kinda have to expect it.
  2. I apologize, I misremembered that one. I thought Rasheed had already wrestled that season but apparently not (and didn’t for awhile after that). So that one wasn’t a duck, and honestly Cael rarely does. (And I also should clarify that it’s the coach doing the ducking, not the wrestler). There have been plenty of other actual ducks just this season though. I’m trying to remember the clip, but I’m pretty sure at least one coach even admitted to it.
  3. I believe the rule we decided on themat was only missing one match should be considered a duck. So if he wrestles Sunday, duck.
  4. Shakur Rasheed ducked Zahid, which gave Cael one of his 2 losses since 2015
  5. Lewan, DeAugustino and Amine kinda always wrestle like that though. Thought we’d see more from Griffith though
  6. It was almost 10 months ago that it was in theaters, I started the thread about it. But I had forgotten Mark Perry was pretty prominently featured in it, I wonder if the “controversy surrounding him” could have anything do with why it isn’t available to stream yet. Or maybe they’ll just release it closer to the Olympics or something. But then the events of the movie will be pretty outdated (IIRC they already were, I think they were talking about Worlds results from 2021 or something).
  7. I believe we had a list going at the start of Covid on themat board. @jross?
  8. Helen Believe isn’t streaming anywhere is it? That has to be the weirdest marketing of a movie I’ve ever seen. 1 day in theaters then disappears
  9. Sounds kinda like Reversal maybe but that wasn’t a documentary
  10. Yeah I wouldn’t be shocked to see Smith beat McKee in the future. Look no further than McKee’s matches with Barnett. McKee has pinned him 3 times and won by major once, but also lost 4 times including once by major. Not to mention Smith has already beaten McKee at 2022 NCAA’s…
  11. But if he’s the guy they think will be wrestling in the postseason he probably needs matches to get the rust off. Him not going tonight leads me to believe he may not be though
  12. OK I think at least the major needs to be changed to 10 next year for sure. Tech to 20 not as important IMO but would make sense. The weirdest thing to me about the 8 point major combined with the 3 pt TD is a situation that could have presented itself in the Blockhus Robb match. Blockhus was up by 7, Eggum was telling him to let him go to go for a major. So at the same time you could be one TD away from a major, but also one feet-to-back move away from losing.
  13. He basically gave the (alleged) John Smith why did Fix duck Crookham answer…”I wish I could’ve wrestled, but I would have if I needed to” “The Amine family talks too much” made me laugh though
  14. Beat Ramos, Spratley and Kaylor at CKLV…
  15. I believe the rankings are usually updated Monday so would’ve been before the Franek match?
  16. Got majored by Berginc of Army at the Black Knight who Davis beat 5-1, hasn’t wrestled since
  17. Don’t think it would’ve counted since non-D1 anyway. Kinda like Ramos losing to the high schooler
  18. Sure and really his only other good official win is Peterson, and Noto if we’re counting the All Star, with those latter 2 losing to guys that have a combined 15 losses.
  19. Davis has a better resume than Barnett for sure. 2 losses and his only good win is Flynn. Davis and Stanich’s are comparable IMO. Stanich’s wins are slightly better (Barnett, Flynn, Ungar), but has a loss. Putting Ramos 1 is really just giving him credit for last year.
  20. A #2 with 3 losses. Davis was only low because his best win was Kaylor. So he gets another good win tonight, although I just noticed Flo actually had DeAugustino down at 17 (lower than Kaylor), but Intermat had him at 5. Flo must be “counting” his injury default to Ungar…although that was a third period default while losing right?
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