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Everything posted by SocraTease

  1. Terrible call. He was hyper-extending it, and he had the corner beat
  2. Yes, but I thought it was a form of avoiding wrestling, i.e., stalling
  3. Haines is finally rounding into the form he had last year. He started the season slow, apparently after some kind of surgery I think. Penn State has lost two matches, though close losses by two true freshman.
  4. Ayala uses the stalling on one knee technique to perfection
  5. Tim Johnson is trying to coach Michigan from afar to a couple of points
  6. Will Lewan has been awarded The Participation Trophy for today's dual . . . ahead of schedule
  7. In other news, the Penn State v. Iowa match starts at 125 lbs. No Arnold. No surprises in the lineup.
  8. The only excitement in that last match was the suspense involving Angel Rivera's review after the match was over. All's well that ends ...
  9. Last week against Iowa, Michigan won the first 5 bouts. This week, Michigan loses the first 5 bouts. Perhaps they enjoy symmetry
  10. Lewan would show up to a duel with no bullets in his gun. He would simply wait until his opponent died of old age.
  11. He has magnets in his shoes that connect with the earth's iron core
  12. Lewan is now worried that he can't take it to SV since it is 2-1 Robb
  13. Michigan shot their wad against Iowa. And now they are being bipolar, having lost the first four matches.
  14. Why didn't Lovett choose top in the third? To me, it was a no brainer. Instead he lost the major and could have ridden Gomez for 6 plus total minutes to break him
  15. The five stages of grief Denial Feeling numb is common in the early days after a bereavement. Some people at first carry on as if nothing has happened. Even if we know with our heads that someone has died it can be hard to believe that someone important is not coming back. It’s also very common to feel the presence of someone who has died Anger Anger is a completely natural emotion, and very natural after someone dies. Death can seem cruel and unfair, especially when you feel someone has died before their time or you had plans for the future together. It’s also common to feel angry towards the person who has died, or angry at ourselves for things we did or didn’t do before their death. Bargaining When we are in pain, it’s sometimes hard to accept that there’s nothing we can do to change things. Bargaining is when we start to make deals with ourselves, or perhaps with God if we’re religious. We want to believe that if we act in particular ways we will feel better. It’s also common to find ourselves going over and over things that happened in the past and asking a lot of ‘what if’ questions, wishing we could go back and change things in the hope things could have turned out differently. Depression Sadness and longing are what we think of most often when we think about grief. This pain can be very intense and come in waves over many months or years. Life can feel like it no longer holds any meaning which can be very scary. Acceptance Grief comes in waves and it can feel like nothing will ever be right again. But gradually most people find that the pain eases, and it is possible to accept what has happened. We may never ‘get over’ the death of someone precious, but we can learn to live again, while keeping the memories of those we have lost close to us.
  16. Revised Revision (with a nod to Ockam's Razor): Hanging around is a bad idea. (It often means your life is going nowhere ... fast.)
  17. How's that any worse than hanging out with drunks, who are all over college campuses, and probably more likely to get into fights? And someone who smokes from a bong (likely weed) is a far cry from being a junkie. Sounds to me like he should have stayed away from his ex, who may have been with her current lover.
  18. DT takes on a room of kids ... and eventually gets taken down:
  19. He strikes me as a bit like the Andrew Dice Clay of wrestling, full of bluster and malignant narcissism, except not as funny
  20. Did your friend run 2:09 (and change) and finish third? I see Rupp finihsed in 2:14. My fastest time is 2;56 ... quite a ways of these speedsters.
  21. It's called "Us a Buzz !" In the photo of the near pin, you can actually see it is named in the background, presumably by AI. It's called "Us a Buzz," well, because it is keeping us (posters) abuzz. And a few creative minds might even suggest it is providing new ideas about how to enjoy carnal positions and (dis)pleasures.
  22. David Taylor is still the G.O.A.T. of Unicorns. But I see you've enlarged the Unicornicopia of possibilities.
  23. There's always a chance he focuses on his new career as a "ruburban" (rural suburban) farmer, raising goats, cows, and cats ... and spawning more daughters.
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