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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Tanner Harvey one of my pre-tourney picks.... The lumberjack is chopping away.
  2. Knock Knock Who's there? Trackwrestling Remember the good old days when we were fighting about the track platform...I miss last month.
  3. You're on... I'm groing to get you No you're not Oh yes I am Classic
  4. So it's almost like running a high school tournament?
  5. He "only" won one state title his senior year at 195. Grew into a heavy and now looks big. Intestingly he lost to Zahid his junior year in the state finals at 182.
  6. He's got more than rental space.... now a 3 year lease. Agree with earlier sentiments.... looked uninspired...lethargic... gave up on some positions. Tried to push Nevills into a bad shot at the end to score but it didnt' work. Could AJ, who was the least accomplished of the Nevills in HS, end up being the best one in college? Tune in later.
  7. This whole thread is weird to me.... I watched all day and had no problems..... going to kick back with some with hash browns and enjoy some wrestling.
  8. I resemble that remark.....
  9. Absolutely! I have no idea NJ was a tomato state... as they say.....Tomato Potato
  10. That's a good question.... Nebraska has 5 in the semis......NC State and SDSU has 4.....ASU has the potential for a lot of finalists... with DeAugustino out, Figs should be in the finals... All of that to say, I don't know
  11. Where do you bring your tomatoes in from?
  12. Good tournament for the Jack Rabbits so far! I always like an underdog.
  13. Never have bet... never will bet. How does my not being a betting person change the result of tonights match where Laird was the better wrestler? It has nothing to do with my mouth... probably more to do with Deans legs and Laird's arms. actually your twisting words now.... It was said Laird was the better wrestler....you disagreed... I said he proved it.... and he did. If Dean beats him later then you can claim they are 1-1 against each other. Until then, Laird owns the head to head.
  14. Nope... no a better on any level.
  15. BAHAHA.... is Dean the one you really want to be complaining about getting beat on a controversial call? No worries, I'm sure he will get his controversial call back at the NCAA.
  16. No that Laird is better... could have sworn I saw he beat him tonight.
  17. Had him on his back off the first TD... Schultz looked uninspired.
  18. I think it actually just did....
  19. Nevills has put on some size....and it's serving him well against Schultz. Harvey with the win over Norfleet
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