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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. But then you would be a conspiracy theorist.... maybe even cancelled. BTW - I didn't even look or care to look if they still have the disinfectant box like thing that you step on, then wipe your feet off before stepping on the mat. Do they still do that? If not, it might be a good idea to go back to that.
  2. Who, by the way, still has a wrestling program.
  3. Yes I know....Notice I said "20 something" not 20... and included other threads besides this one and AJ. But if you want to be technical about AJ only being 20 that's fine, still a man and not a dumb kid. Edit: Dumb man
  4. Can we stop calling these 20 something year old wrestlers, living on their own, making their own decisions, legally of age to drink, smoke, vote and be charged as adults in the legal system...Kids. They are not. Maybe the younger siblings - no idea how old they are but it wouldn't' surprise me if Angelo is 18 already.... but AJ? Seriously - not a kid. Happens in all kinds of threads...20 somethings called kids...Perhaps this is the problem.
  5. I remember thinking that they weren't even using the sterilazers very much.... maybe every 4-5 matches. Do you recall?
  6. Doesn't surprise me that the average person at a prominent university is 6k times less effective than they think they are.
  7. The point being, I would never have to cash that check... But to your question, I didn't think wrestlers were the average person. Haven't we been trained in some form of one on one hand to hand combat? Maybe I am the only one who has though through different scenarios.
  8. I could beat Gable if that match were set up at the time and place of my choosing.
  9. I'm wondering if the first med fft should not be a loss (the freebie so to speak), but all others after it should be. MedFFT to a D3 guy (no offense) at an open tournament at the beginning of the year carries weight on your record, but not necessarily applied to conference or NCAA seeding. Med FFT later in the season that are counted as a loss have more weight and teeth to it when it comes to seeding. Just a thought: what if a Med FFT caused the wrestler to miss the next date on the schedule because of the injury?
  10. Do you have an example in this thread about me saying anything, let alone snarky, about a transfer to OSUW? I guess, even after "inserting sarcasm here" you still need an explanation that every prominent transfer is connected to one of a couple of schools as many posters start inserting them into their lineup. See Trey Munoz for an example of how it was enforced last year for a semester.
  11. So that leaves Iowa, ASU and Michigan as the only possible destinations .... (insert sarcasm here for a few of you)
  12. Bentley and Milner's proof wasn't enough? By the way we aren't dealing with the US Justice System.... it's the NCAA.... and at this point I am not sure which is worse. You are free to think that the NCAA cares about tampering in wrestling.
  13. Yep, that's all they were. Then there were coaches calling out other coaches for direct violations.... in either case the NCAA doesn't seem to care.
  14. This is true that coaches making calls before they land in the portal is a violation…. However I’m not convinced it doesn’t sit well with the ncaa. Remember last off season?
  15. Sometimes. Depends on if the school has the graduate program they want. Some guys do follow the money but there are still some who have to transfer because their school does not offer the masters program.
  16. He weighed in at 189 for one of the tournaments this year. Could easily be a 184 next year. Many times you have made predictions on the ASU lineup. Many times you have said certain guys who were transferring would be a great fit for ASU such as Griffith. No different.
  17. Nice work. I was trying to find the one before this when Laird beat him.
  18. He had like 7 braces on him and limped around all weekend…but did not fft.
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