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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Haha.... it does in fact have sun... If you stay in Seattle long enough you will get your quota of 67.8 minutes of sunshine per year.
  2. It's easy to get 26 year olds mix up with coaching and wrestling these days... some even leave coaching to go back to wrestling.
  3. They both still show in the portal on flo. I did t see them ever leave. They could still stay at OU.
  4. Are you talking about Crooks? He graduated and is an assistant coach at OSU....that's why he's in the Gif. I'm talking about someone who graduated from high school a year ago.
  5. Oregon State on the move.... nothing beats a Nate Engel post...
  6. What's going on with Harman? He has beat some of these guys in wrestle offs and opens but somehow managed to lose the starting job last year... injury?
  7. Any Iowa or Iowa St wrestlers on the board?
  8. haha... Yes.... on the highway between Yakima and Tri-Cities...not the rainy part of Washington
  9. Hmmmmm..... Call out a fan boy but follow Minnow yourself...that's Gold Jerry..GOLD!
  10. Eichens hasn't landed anywhere yet. I could see that scenario where Garvin is up at 174 for the lineup, but it's probably not his ideal weight. ... but he just wrestled the open at 77kg or 169.7 pounds. But, it's a possibility. It would allow all their 174lbers to redshirt. I wonder if there is a possibility that Eichens stays... he's been at Stanford for 5 years so he may have "exhausted his academic opportunities" at Stanford.
  11. Stanford returns a lot of starters but not a lot of fire power. I think t hey are pretty decent through 165. 125 - Provo NQ - Tough kid... beat Poulin... lost a 3-2 match to Ramos at the NCAA.... He's a sleeper. 133 - Jackson DiSario - Returning starter 141 - Jason Miranda - Returning starter 149 - Abas - Returning NQ, AA 157 - Cardenas - Returning AA 165 - Hunter Garvin - Freshman... He's going to be tough 174 - With Eichen's gone I think it will be one of a couple freshman...might be a merry go round here. 184 Byers - Returning starter - Had a decent freshman year 197 - Stemmett - Returning starter HWT - Ming - Returning starter
  12. Oregon State.... A lot of the lineup is coming back. Two AA and three NQ return. A good recruiting class coming in this summer. Unless there are some transfers coming in (which there is one that is he who has yet to be named), then I anticipate the following. 125 - Kaylor - AA two years ago 133 - Shaner/Whisenhunt/Elliiot - Shaner may be getting another year... 141 - Belton - I believe he will be back... If not Nash Singleton could be the guy...or possibly one of the 149 coming down. 149 - This on is a tossup - Tolentino started the first part of the year...kid has gas tank... Garver had a great open - Jacinto is a JC transfer. All have redshirted so you could possibly see several of them start until a guy emerges. 157 - Crosby - The kid is lightning quick and can go the first round with anyone. Needs to develop his gas tank. Lost a couple matches in the 3rd round but improved down the stretch. 165 - Olguin - NQ - seeded #8 at the NCAA last year - suffered an injury against Wilson in the first round but kept wrestling 174 - This one is a toss up between Reiniche and Fouret. Reiniche is a former Cornell kid. Pinned Valencia last year. Fouret is a former UVU starter. 184 - Munoz - 6th place AA - FFT down to 6th after the knee injury against Kek in the semis. 197 - Another toss up.... I thought McKinney would be the guy but he's graduating and I believe is moving on. This could be a mix of guys moving up - Asher Ruchti, Kodiak Stephens to name a couple. They also have Rademacher and McDonnell coming in who are slated to be 184 and redshirt, but could still be in the mix. Vaun Halstead a freshman is also coming in. HWT - Charlie Hastriter
  13. A fly under the radar kind of guy... Utah Valley NQ Haiden Drury at 133.
  14. Not my phone... mine would have said "1% Living On a Prayer"
  15. Maybe people should stop reading his Twitter.... or at least maybe Iowa fans should stop reading it. Just.... keep.... scrolling....
  16. Even I recognized it was a joke all in the vain of the Chittum situation.
  17. Started out 15 -2 with losses to Latona and RBY... wins over Cannon, Byrd, Ragusin, Foley Went 6-7 down the stretch in Feb/March - Lost to Cannon and Byrd,but beat Latona. Losses at the NCAA were to two AA - Mcgee 3-2 and Nagao 4-0. His "worst" loss all season was to Cannon. Overall a pretty decent freshman year. The results to me show the classic freshman wear down at the end added with weight. I think he will be fine. It's not like his losses were to chumps.
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