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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. This was on the previous page.... but I will say that as far as the portal announcements this Spring, Minnow has been pretty accurate... where he has been off in the past is his declarations of where guys go from the portal. Stay tuned.
  2. Yeah, but this extension took place after the NCAA this year, which means they must have some level of confidence.
  3. So Coleman Scott, who has HC experience becomes digs into the in-room coaching, and 4x World Champ David Taylor , with no head coaching experience, is left with the CEO stuff? This seems very opposite.
  4. Nah...no different than a non-athlete graduating then pursuing a masters at another school that had a better program or even a program at all. Guys leaving a good program early for the money - maybe a sell out. Leaving after you graduate. Nope. Besides, looks like Schultz has decided to stay at ASU now... probably upped their offer so they could get him to stay. Is there a term for that? Threatening to leave to get more money, then getting what you want and staying?
  5. So guys who have put their 4-5 years in, graduated, want to go to another school for a graduate degree, are going to get paid some money to do it, are selling out?
  6. Is that the potato peeling degree with a minor in onion peeling?
  7. Hmmm....seems like a degree is what you use so that you get a decent job...unless of course your degree is in the Renaissance and the Renaissance factory isn't hiring.
  8. I'm convinced his comments were all about his care and concern for other teams and their top guys going to the portal.
  9. The Twitter messages are heating up.
  10. Tom Brands.... $700,000 for '24-25 $725,000 for '25-26 $750,000 for '26-27 $775,000 for '27-28 $800,000 for '28-29
  11. From what I have been reading, you can't take a retroactive Olympic redshirt - it has to be declared before the season. I don't think he is getting another year.... however, it wouldn't surprise me if a lawsuit changed the NCAA's mind. You can pretty much get anything with the NCAA right now.
  12. If one decides to step away after the Olympics, I could see that happening. You don't typically see the top two guys make a conscious effort to train together, but who knows. Coon is 29 and Schultz 23 and Greco guys have more longevity it seems. Of course, it is Schultz's chance to cash in on a decent payday in order to continue training somewhere. As a side note, Richie Figs doesn't seem to be too happy with guys leaving.
  13. I don't know if they are going to re-brand something or not, but Sunkist Kids is over. It's too bad... a lot of history there. There are probably ASU fans on here that can speak more to the plan of what happens next for ASU in terms of an RTC. Yeah....there are a few guys on that team that have pretty high international aspirations.
  14. You have to wonder how that will impact other guys on the roster who have international aspirations... i can think of a couple guys would get good NIL paydays and good freestyle training situations. I doubt Schultz ends up at Michigan with Coon training there. Minnesota? Oklahoma State?
  15. Minnow reporting Cohlton Schultz to the portal.
  16. Exactly. Could have done it all and probably still landed in WWE. Maybe Another lesser promotion picks him up or he capitalized off his “comeback” to USA wrestling.
  17. Good catch. That’s like last week new.
  18. Some of the names being mentioned are graduating and don’t have to be in the portal by the cut off date. We will see more in the portal after. Also, they only need to make it known to their current school by yesterday which means, like last year, it might not be known for a while
  19. Bummer for Coleman Scott when all signs pointed to you becoming the head coach....and oh yeah, we are bringing in David Taylor to interview.
  20. Yes you did FauxJimmy..... "Of these top universities it seems only Michigan is utilizing their vast reserves to buy transfers. The rest of these players need to get in the game!" Dumbest idea ever. Schools use endowments (interest) to fund the programs and sometimes coaches salaries. Paying for transfers for the next ___ years depletes it and then those wrestlers are gone. That's only one of the negative aspects. Yes, money can flow through different avenues... one is called an endowment and the other is called NIL. How about just giving to NIL if. you want your school to get transfers?
  21. agree....149....I don't see the extra 2 pounds from trials on a consistent weigh-in basis.
  22. I like eOSU better... makes it seem like a cheap online school.... (insert joke)
  23. So, just as FYI that you are going to see it on social media before FLO.
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