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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. I agree, it's laughable, but you see this on social media all the time if a kid throws a punch - even as young as elementary school. I think that one is more Karenism than racism.
  2. According to rosters, he's not .... but he soon could be....?
  3. It is not... look at the roster ... 36 guys and mostly white - about 13 or so minorities. Will you be switching your narrative in two years when his next two recruiting classes have 12 white kids and 2 minorities and many of the guys you listed are done?
  4. Keep in mind that the other side of that is that there are people who are in the know, who want to continue to to be in the know by keeping good relationship with those in the program. A good way to sever that relationship and information privilege is by telling it to everyone on a message board. By the way, I want to know how knowing this information is vital in planning around an event in anticipation of a certain matchup? How do you "plan around" a match up? Do people have singlets of their favorite wrestler they PLAN to wear to the match, then feel a little embarrassed when the match-up doesn't happen? Just curious how this info effects planning for a fan.
  5. I remember seeing him at #1 somewhere.... he for sure was #2 all of November on Flo.
  6. "Injury" is the reasoning that is hard to argue against. It's easy to say, "they were injured" and not get a lot of pushback. From the fans perspective we just saw them wrestle and saw no signs of an injury whatsoever, from the time they went on the mat to watching them walk/jog off the mat. Yeah, I know, we dont' know what's going on inside that knee or shoulder. So what actually is an "injury"? It used to mean, I literally can't wrestle... I can't walk properly...I can't lift my arm above my waist...etc. What is an injury now? My hammy feels a little off. I have a little uncomfortable twinge in my elbow when I move it this direction. I'm only 95% instead of 100% ???? For the most part, we see these guys in the next dual. As a fan, that spends money on the product, this is the frustrating part... not knowing what is real and what is mostly fabricated to avoid a big match up where you are only 95%, but having no recourse as a fan. Seems like the words "It's an owie, you can go, tough it out" are hostile and offensive words nowdays.
  7. Good win.... and a good loss earlier 4-0 to Vito... kid is looking solid for a true freshman. With all the true freshman hype, he is flying. a little under the radar.
  8. Speaking of eOSU, does anyone else think that the kid to the right in the commitment, Jake Hockaday, looks like. 1988 Alan Fried?
  9. um..... so if the majority is Feb/Mar then why start in October? I think the point you made without trying is that the season is too long.
  10. Man that sucks... never want to hear that.
  11. Dan Russell pinned Pat Smith .... Is Pat the only 4x to get pinned? If so that would qualify as the greatest pin of a GOAT.... Therefor Dan Russell is the greatest GOAT trainer???
  12. Remember the good ol days when Messenbrink was picked to beat O'toole this year and win a championship his freshman year.
  13. I believe they are related.
  14. Oregon State OSUW of course.... Should be hearing something about a conference soon. they landed 2024 recruit Hunter Taylor who finished 2nd at Ironman with 2 ranked wins. Also landed Adrienne Reyes, Fargo champ out of CA - 2x state placer in CA. They have some good. young talent there from the last couple of recruiting cycles ..... Whisenhunt, Tolentino, Singleton, Attao, Rademacher, etc. Still have Olguin, Belton and Munoz for one more year after this one. Coaches are doing a great job there. GO BEAVS!
  15. From about 2 weeks ago.... https://www.win-magazine.com/2023/11/30/toledo-wrestling-is-on-the-rise-in-the-ncwa/
  16. A few interesting results there from Michigan and Ohio State - Ragusin over Gonzalez in the finals at 133. Rogers back in action for Michigan at 184- He got beat in the semis 5-0 by Rogotze. Shumate and Rogotze made the finals but didnt' wrestle. Surprised to not see Hayden Wlaters going at 197 - injured @nhs67 ?
  17. Not going to lie... never heard of it... thought you spelled Olejnik wrong.
  18. Last I heard they had good backups as well.
  19. Addendum: If a wrestler signs with a new team between rounds, the team he is leaving can insert a new wrestler into the match, thus resulting in what the common person would call "tag team wrestling." I am glad that you are thinking about what is best for the kids.
  20. Wrestlers should be able to switch singlets to another team inbetween rounds if their agent agrees to a new NIL deal with a new team during action. The result of that bout will then go toward the new team's score when they wrestle that team in a dual match. We may not know the final score of a dual meet until the end of the season, but we really need to do what's best for kids.
  21. Time for NCAA football to become FBS football and become their own semi-pro league. Give them what they want. Contracts, unions, medical staff, owners, 55 man rosters....etc. Let them lease stadiums and facilities back from universities, do their own promotions, pay for commercials, etc. Let them have what they want...
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