"Injury" is the reasoning that is hard to argue against. It's easy to say, "they were injured" and not get a lot of pushback. From the fans perspective we just saw them wrestle and saw no signs of an injury whatsoever, from the time they went on the mat to watching them walk/jog off the mat. Yeah, I know, we dont' know what's going on inside that knee or shoulder. So what actually is an "injury"? It used to mean, I literally can't wrestle... I can't walk properly...I can't lift my arm above my waist...etc. What is an injury now? My hammy feels a little off. I have a little uncomfortable twinge in my elbow when I move it this direction. I'm only 95% instead of 100% ???? For the most part, we see these guys in the next dual. As a fan, that spends money on the product, this is the frustrating part... not knowing what is real and what is mostly fabricated to avoid a big match up where you are only 95%, but having no recourse as a fan. Seems like the words "It's an owie, you can go, tough it out" are hostile and offensive words nowdays.