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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. You were responding to a post about Desanto and Fernandes...so yeah, nothing there about future athletes....at all. Perhaps. you should be more clear in your posts about ....everything. If you think that my response was and attempted dunki on you, you probably should put some big boy pants on before continuing on this forum.
  2. I think he is a junior, but he will probably get a year back because of the concussion issues last year. He has worked hard to get himself back to where he is now. Needs more time on the mat, but definitely a lot of good news for him moving forward.
  3. So you advocate not talking about it in a public forum.... then ask questions to talk about it in a public forum.... Did miss something? You have good intentions.... but I'm pretty sure that by the time you email the coach with video they are probably in themselves, that the issue has already garnered attention.
  4. In other Nebraska news.... Condomitti sees his first action in a long time going 4-0 at Hastings at 165. Good for him. Good kid and good family.
  5. No... Attao has been focusing on Greco - Just finished 3rd at the Open with his only loss to Coon.
  6. Was In Gill for set up and Mat side. Had many conversations with the long time PSU radio guy, sports info guy, etc. Watched PSU interact with people. I also sat directly behind the Penn State section at the ncaa. As a big OSU beaver fan, and I speak for most, we appreciated Penn State flying across the country for one match that was very close to selling out at 8,540. It’s a huge deal for Oregon State to host PSU. The PSU program is a class act. Hate them if you will, but they try to schedule 1-2 duals a year for the benefit of another program. Others might call it a weak schedule, I call it the good of wrestling. Besides they will decimate everyone so I’m not sure what a tough schedule would be since they already wrestle in the B10. Thanks to PSU for coming out West.
  7. Singleton was our 2nd 141 who bumped up. In his first match He lost to Voinivich in OT in a match he should have won. He beat Kinner. Placed at Vegas Still settling in to the weight. Should be a good match with Kasak.
  8. Truax and Munoz get to revisit their rivalry from 2 years ago.
  9. On one side of the coin the circus show will be fun to watch and there could be some good match-ups with Hidlay and Brooks..... on the other side of the coin is Iowa finishing 6th without a trophy..... hard decision.
  10. Suddenly we have a lot of new posters making their first posts on this thread.... Probably should freeze new membership for a while...or maybe take your time approving. @BobDole
  11. Good post... so easy to clear things up like this rather than the stuff that sometimes spins out of control. kudos to both of you.
  12. I was wondering what "N" was all about as well... it wasn't clear but I also didn't think that you would do that.- so you're good- Makes sense. However, we do have people on here, even in recent days, that seem they are looking for these opportunities. (not @Mr. PeanutButter)
  13. Thanks for the update - I was following... I think there will be a couple good finals to look forward to. There were a few years where this tourney was top notch...but like Midlands, it seems to have also lost it's luster so to speak.
  14. If anything, being connected to the Ferraris after this incident makes TT even more culpable if something else happens. This incident would easily be used as ammo for just cause if there is another incident down the road. If there is another incident after joining Iowa, will the AD have the balls to fire TT and end their Iowa legacy?
  15. Unless there is just cause for firing. Technically AJF was not a member of the Iowa program this weekend.... but that doesn't mean that there won't be a future incident that could qualify.
  16. Good point... only teams willing to take a gamble, which means he probably had few suitors to drive up the price. I heard that house thing as well... with all the Ferraris living in the house together.... that's like a Looney Toons powder keg about to go off.
  17. I am guessing that the larger NIL amounts will have a contract attached. I don't see any wiggle room for handshake deals. My understanding from a personal experience is that there has to be proof that there has been a service of some kind in exchange for the money.... but I am sure that there are people on here that are more knowledgable... but to your point, yeah I would want my money back.
  18. Exactly.... my post was sarcastic... He gave the most generic AI copy and paste apology ... but a lot of desperate (not all) Iowa fans will accept and defend this apology and pretend it's all okay and that he paid his debt. I am reading a lot (social media) that he needs a second chance.... more like 7th or 8th. He can still change, give him a chance.... personally I think he may be worse now than before - like the guy didn't learn his lesson at all from his previous troubles.
  19. Probably because he put out media in Iowa gear and in his public apology mentions Iowa being good to him. I think it goes away to Iowa fans because after all, he did make a public apology, so all is good.
  20. Yeah, we would never have a political group that would use illegal status to actually heighten a crime...
  21. Ferrari apologized on X today, so everything is fine, forgiven and forgotten.
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