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Major Kong

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Everything posted by Major Kong

  1. No, they are just clueless. The "play by play" kid knows nothing at all about wrestling and the "color" kid, though on the roster, doesn't know much.
  2. It's my beloved NU announcers. Handfighting and circling on their feet the wrestlers are "gridlocked", and have no "mobility". With both down on the mat they "dance" or "tiptoe"out of bounds. The top guy is "looking for some defense", "there's a lot of game left" etc. etc. Amazing that a U with such a big tv/broadcast school can't find someone who has a JV wrestler's knowledge of the sport.
  3. He'd be asking for stalling on Alice.
  4. If Ralph Kramden was a wrestling coach, he'd be Scott Goodale.
  5. As the resident NU fan, I would like to acknowledge the fantastic job the visionary refs did under difficult circumstances to recognize a fake pin and reward the deserving D'aug and the team.
  6. Dellavechia pinning Deakin in NCAA semis. Deakin had given up two back points in four years.
  7. You seem offended, or maybe just nasty for no reason. My son is long graduated (back before the "decline") but my post was not about him. But you are right, Rutgers was not after him, though a couple Ivies were. My point was, he was not interested in them, and many others felt the same, then and now, even those who were recruited. By the way, there are kids on the roster now who were low NJ placers.
  8. It is a good school. Like any good, big state u., you can get an excellent education if you want to and put the effort in. Or you can just slide by. The campus is not the most pleasant and there is little of that "college town" feel. I mean, if you want to stay in NJ, attend a top school with a top program, have the grades and get a solid aid package, Princeton is impossible to beat, IMO.
  9. Very NJ-centric, with the social and cultural overtones that go along with that. Hard to really know it without being involved in NJ wrestling.
  10. I think the "NJ" attitude that surrounds the program is wearing thin for some recruits. If you have the grades and want to stay in NJ, why choose Rutgers over Princeton? And if you are good enough, why choose Rutgers over PSU? Or Michigan, or NU? And so on. My kid was an NJ placer and wanted nothing to do with that Rutgers vibe. Know for a fact he was not alone, and that feeling seems more pronounced of late.
  11. Well, a little disappointing by D'aug and Tal Shahar but they are both coming off injuries. And at least the Tal shahar -Hardy match was the contrasting hairstyle contest of the year. Also think Lucas was pissed about that loss to Cass.
  12. He wasn't fired. He left after the season last year, evidently because he was unhappy about what took place, even though NU gave him an exemption.
  13. Aside from rumors I still don’t know why he was fired from NU. Any info?
  14. Wrestling is hard.- Kyle Snyder after a win over Adam Coon (IIRC) at NCAAs.
  15. That’s what his teammates call him and this is his second year at heavy. Tony deserved this one but I have hope!
  16. Yeah, he was a tad fuzzy on "Major Decision" vs. "that's a major decision" (4-1) as well. I really hope the next dual on B10+ is away.
  17. Yup. And took the kid from NC State to OT.
  18. That was my post after Midlands - glad someone agrees. The kid has been working and waiting for his shot. Btw , he beat Yahya fair and square a couple years back. He seems to have no ego - just goes out and wrestles - really well.
  19. I don't know if anyone here grew up watching Bowery Boys reruns, but the classic "It was 120 degrees centipede" was one of my favorite malapropisms ever.
  20. Yeah, I'm stretching it some - what's the term for words that sound right but make no actual sense in the context? Gibberish?
  21. "trying to free himself from the grapple", "looking to get on the leaderboard", "trying for the all-encompassing escape". Taking about the guy on top: "he wants to show some good defense here". You could make a very funny montage of his malapropisms.
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