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Major Kong

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Everything posted by Major Kong

  1. It's not fan-friendly. You've just described wrestling marketing strategy!
  2. It's not that the NCAA and individual programs do a poor job of promoting the sport, It's that they do virtually no job at all. I'm a Northwestern alum and ex-wrestler, but not a "booster" per se. I have to dig for anything beyond the most basic information about the program. Right now, I have no idea who the top recruits are, if Mike D'Aug or Lucas Davison are coming back, etc. There is never any information on injuries, etc. Other sports make the effort, and it pays off in fan engagement and retention. Why can't wrestling even try?
  3. Lucas will finish a graduate degree this year. Not sure what he plans on after that.
  4. Yeah, that was the "sideline" guy. Seemed they were embarrassed to correct him, but that's what professionals are supposed to do - put the audience above being polite to colleagues.
  5. I like him but he was trying to excuse the ref for his lame call on the Alirez backs.
  6. I think this should effectively end the, uh, discussion.
  7. It's that "other" wrestling he has a history of interest in. You know, the fake kind.
  8. Inept officials - the second official is a schlub too
  9. Where did Trump wrestle? (Aside from JV in prep school and that time he was pinned by Stormy)
  10. I'm good with it. I want to see Ramos try that head pinch again.
  11. Agree. I was actually thinking of Ramos. He barely has peach fuzz on his face! Watching his interview I thought "seems like a nice, bright kid".
  12. Yes. It's a bad look, yet an understandable emotion, etc. Just try and practice what we all preach - to take adversity with grace and class - at least in public! We forget these are really still kids and still forming their approach to dealing with the world.
  13. What's our excuse at NU? 2 AA's eliminated early in consi's to lower ranked guys, guys just looking flat and tired. 4 returning past AA's, lucky if we get one!
  14. How did Cannon get stuck? I turned away for 20 seconds and the match was over!!!
  15. Very different from last year. Either kids are hurt or something odd going on with them. Gotta believe Mike D. is not close to 100%.
  16. From the real NU, Mikey D. and Chris Cannon.
  17. Northwestern head coach Matt Storniolo (photo courtesy of Sam Janicki; SJanickiPhoto.com)
  18. The Cardenas from Stanford. In handicapping horse races, one of the most important words is "improving". I think that's true in wrestling as well.
  19. I'm talking about the B10. If you have the shot to win a 9th place match to go to NCAA's and don't, well, maybe it's on you. And a couple guys I root for blew it.
  20. Guys who lost the "play-in" for 9th didn't get bids - and rightly so IMO.
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