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Voice of the Quakers

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Everything posted by Voice of the Quakers

  1. We’re not putting the replay genie back in the bottle, but I wish we could
  2. I disagree. Too many coaches waste challenges in small situations. You need to save them for important moments (individual semifinalist, implications for the team score) even if the chances of success on reversing that call were poor.
  3. Davison usually has an edge in athleticism. Not tonight, assuming Wyatt is feeling himself. Also, I did like Wyatt's approach today v. Big Elam. Nice and boring. No need to overextend himself and impress the masses.
  4. Feldman need about 30 more pounds to finish that shot.
  5. Foca taking a year's worth of frustration on Ayzerov.
  6. Aaron Brooks is the MOW - I don't care who else does what in this tournament.
  7. That was almost as ho hum a major decision over a former national champ as you could have.
  8. Blockhum over Chittum in a match that slowed down significantly after the 1st period.
  9. Well, we won't have Will Lewan to kick around any longer.
  10. Will Lewan back to doing Will Lewan things in the wrestlebacks.
  11. I am going to trust the doctors. That being said, I have no idea how Shapiro is still wrestling.
  12. Jesse Mendez is the wizard we need in this sea of boring wrestling.
  13. Meanwhile, Arujau treating Orine with complete disdain.
  14. Surprised by the lack of urgency in the first wave of quarters at 125. Plus, wrestlers are so used to trying to kill time staying in bounds they forget when they need to save time by going out of bounds and getting a fresh start in the center of the mat.
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