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Everything posted by JuanMogen

  1. Cool. Penn State could use another back up at 165.
  2. Jesus took home four championships in just one year. I’m putting him up there towards the top.
  3. Penn State trains in a replica of Noah’s ark dressed like their favorite animals. Still beat Iowa by over 100 points.
  4. A little Bible study before the biggest matches of their lives according to Levi Haines.
  5. Agreed. But David Carr's booger placed higher than these guys. That's the second hardest pill to swallow besides Brock Hardy's.
  6. He went out, bought the bottle, got all of the way home, put it on ice, set out his glass, got the lighting just right, sat down, popped the cork, filled his glass, lifted it to his lips, and Larry Owings swiped it from him and drank the whole thing.
  7. Vito v Fix levels of brick throwing all the time because nobody knows what the hell is going on is the biggest hint. If scoring is so ambiguous, it suggests the way things are scored very often doesn't demonstrate any meaningful control.
  8. Because freestyle is dumb. Not Greco levels of dumb, but halfway there.
  9. Wouldn’t mind seeing 10 undefeated champs. Then I could just complain about them not scoring enough bonus points while shit talking the other teams.
  10. I thought Vito v Fix was a freestyle match with how many bricks were thrown and shitty calls from the refs.
  11. I hope the comment about cardio and the one about Iran are two completely distinct thoughts.
  12. Stalls and boogers. All I remember from the match.
  13. Andonian got pinned…yet again.
  14. I’m giving David Carr’s booger a trophy.
  15. Not even in a “so bad it’s good” kind of way either. Lewan became that for me.
  16. What the hell is Penn State’s line up going to be next year? Make Kasak redshirt? Need to make an A and B team so they can compete against each other for first and second.
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