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Everything posted by JuanMogen

  1. I feel like we need more punches after the whistle.
  2. Not very Christlike of Davis to get upset like that.
  3. Brooks with the 100% Jesus headband ready to go. He's getting a tech.
  4. They're all fine. Christ. I'm too busy white knuckling it watching Bartlett not shoot until the last 15 seconds to even listen to whomever is going on about this sport most of the time. Except the last Olympics. John Smith and Burroughs commentating that was a real pleasure. Smith with that slow drawl and whistling his "S" sounds hard while always seemingly in disgust about something is my favorite thing. He was getting pissed about the refs stopping the matches too much saying "I'd tell that ref to jussssst put that whisssstle back in hisss pocket". While JB was practically giggling half the time at Smith getting all amped up over something an American was or was not doing. DC and Rogan talking about Adalaide Byrd is among the best things DC has done on the mic. He's always welcome in my book. Here:
  5. Mehki is going to get dunked on and will look gassed himself by the end of the second period. Btw, can we get some more high school kids to commit already? Tired of seeing this kid going to OU holding up his finger like he's showing us a booger.
  6. Everybody getting their peters in bunch worried about Penn State. Looks like they'll be 18-2 for the day once Sleepy Greg finishes up with the GriessMan.
  7. Great minds think alike. So do terrible ones. How does it feel to think like a 65 year old fat, balding, angry man with 4 ex-wives, 3 months behind on rent, and wrestling is his only joy in life?
  8. Adding "titty pushouts" to my Greco vocabulary right there next to "T-rex stance" and "starfish position". Just going to hold my arms like I'm carrying a birthday cake and ram into this other guy a few times until the ref decides one of us should make snow angels on the mat and the other can hug me to cheer me on. Can't imagine why the sport isn't gaining popularity. When that Frenchman invented the sport and named it "Greco Roman", he thought he could pull a sneaky one on us. Not me. I know what "French wrestling" is when I see it, and I don't like it. I've been doing good ol' fashioned, red white and blue, American folkstyle wrestling like the good Lord intended. Just ask Aaron Brooks.
  9. Ferrari may have his issues, but he's trying his best. Heart of gold in that kid.
  10. Bullock just handing off the concussion that Rogotzke gave him.
  11. Nebraska so far. Don't think they've lost yet, but they have Allred and Hot-mocker up next. Hot-mocker about to look like a Cold-mocker against great big Schultz. Allred has been known to drop the ball.
  12. Benny Baker kicked his little legs like a toddler fighting his mom while getting standing suck back returned to his back.
  13. Is any team crushing it so far? Seems like we'll hit round two with things looking pretty even.
  14. Forget about how badly Chittum is doing, who the hell is this Askey kid? He's a problem.
  15. I mean, 8 1st places and 2 3rds still isn't bad.
  16. Lujan of Michigan State with the first takedown of the tourney.
  17. I'm upset that AJ Ferrari isn't competing. Young man puts his heart into the sport.
  18. Ken Chertow's late 90's VHS series had his personal highlights set to songs such as "Footloose", "Maniac", and "On the Dark Side". Watching him try to armspin a Russian while dancing to Footloose is better than most practices my fat, burnout of a coach could cobble together.
  19. 125 - Ungar 133 - Braxton Brown 141 - Powe 149 - Rooks 157 - Mauller 165 - Lillard 174 - Maylor 184 - Feldkamp 197 - Novak 275 - Griess
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