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Everything posted by JuanMogen

  1. I stepped away from the computer to burn an Iowa singlet. Who is possibly injured? Yazdani or Brooks?
  2. God, Spencer is awesome. Always liked him. My kind of wrestler. Let's go USA!
  3. Ok. Spencer is on team USA now and not team Iowa. I can start liking him.
  4. Brooks has a little time to get a quick Bible study in before the next match.
  5. Zahid back in the wrestling room this morning working on how to not grab a singlet.
  6. "Ambassador for the sport" is some chatgpt level, no-substance having, nonsense filler words that the old, fat, bald dorks who watch this sport say to sound like they have their finger on the pulse. Its like talking wrestling technique and saying to use your "hips" or "core" as much as possible.
  7. He's waving that kid down to punch him for calling him fat.
  8. The second day is great. On day one, many emerge looking unstoppable. Then they run into our real #1 and get teched.
  9. Good point. He and Iowa won’t be sniffing even a second place finish anytime soon. I stand corrected.
  10. Burroughs is getting a good experience in being a perpetual runner up from here on out, so he's be a good fit for Iowa.
  11. I'll give a Lee-Gilman prediction in a moment.
  12. I measure things in sound years. Like, how far the whines and cries of the Jordan Burroughs fans travel in a year.
  13. Penn State boo'd an asshole last night, not a legend.
  14. Dude...that ref was on point. Everybody complaining about this call is showing THEIR bias. Zahid didn't challenge it because he knew he pulled the singlet. Zahid cost Zahid the match. Brooks had a little bit of Jesus on his side last night. He might be on to something about this praying shit. I'm going to start going to church so I can get a few "singlet grabs" in my life. Turn this ship around.
  15. Valencia knew he grabbed the singlet. That's why he threw the brick back.
  16. Nobody knows the rules, and the throws are often subjective. Look at this dumb shit with the old man throwing blue, but they ALMOST gave blue 4. Nobody knows a damn thing because its too dumb to know.
  17. Greco stinks, but how about this 45 year old smoking everybody?
  18. Should be a Mat 4 where everybody can pile up their shoes.
  19. What did I ever do to deserve that? This is the most niche way of saying "go F yourself" I've ever seen.
  20. Hayden's little head looks like the Stonks guy. I always pull for him to win.
  21. That Kerk match is another way freestyle gets it wrong. Kerk was doing everything, but we "have to" put him on the clock in the second period. He's down on criteria, so he has to do things he otherwise wouldn't. This dumb shit happened to Nolf a few years ago. He took something like 15 shots to the other guys 0 shots, but the other guy I guess had his back pointed towards the center more, so Nolf goes down on stupid ass criteria and loses. Its awful.
  22. No. He wrestled Jay-Q's. They didn't show it. I also so not see a stream for Mat 3 specifically. I have the "Challenge Tournament" stream, Mat 1, and Mat 2.
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