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Everything posted by JuanMogen

  1. I want to see Pat Downey run through the Olympics. Just exploiting the other side of the world’s awful gas tanks while he rattles off big points late in the second period. Nothing would make me happier.
  2. Seeing “Penn State” multiple times warms my heart. Iowa’s big grab is a ticking time bomb with a 50:50 shot of being a dud. Just over here holding my breath.
  3. Listen, when I think of gross things in wrestling, and I’m sorry to bring this back up, but David Carr’s booger flapping like a windsock still pollutes my mind. I’ve seen the YouTube videos of neck/spine injuries, but that booger is just the thing that gets me. I truly am sorry. I had to get this off my chest. Kind of a sticky memory.
  4. Dake will land the chest wrap. Burroughs doesn’t want to end up laying flat on his belly with Dake bouncing his nuts off the back of his head like he did last time.
  5. He’s going to Penn State, so in my eyes he can do no wrong. Mason Gibson, on the other hand, just became the enemy.
  6. And yet, here we are on page three with people still unable to see what Pyles said and didn’t say.
  7. Guess I’ll just ask again - where did it say that?
  8. How about we just drop Greco from the whole country? Would probably impact fewer people.
  9. "Your post said Mckenna & Tate were in NIL era." Where did it say that?
  10. I’d feel like Jesus was finally in somebody’s corner and not just something to say after the match to sound humble.
  11. Greco is a professional chest bumping contest until the ref decides who is going to lay belly down and give the earth a great big hug.
  12. I know another wrestler today who was lean and mean. Took down Jax too.
  13. My North Korean singlet is my lucky singlet. I put it on when I need that little extra to win a match.
  14. Looked like he tried to get knuckle deep into the eye socket. Then buried a shot into his gut after time is up. Brands looked composed despite all of this. That last sentence has never been uttered and probably never will again.
  15. Jesus (Aaron Brooks’ Jesus)…Carroll is an animal slimmed down.
  16. Did Sinclair pull a Chris Weidman on Brands at the end?
  17. Yahya beat Sealey by being less active sooner than Sealey was.
  18. Don’t sleep on Lean Mean Gary Steen. He teched Levi Haines in freestyle. He’s got Jax Forrest first round. Just sayin’.
  19. Wore out my “v” key typing up an update about this event.
  20. There’s a face recognition login that lets you right in. I grew a chinstrap beard, a unibrow, and trimmed up a sick bowl cut. No problems since then. I’m watching a live event right now with two Eastern Europeans gassed out before the second period. We’ve had 15 minutes of “injury time” so far to help them catch their breath a little. Good, quick match.
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