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Everything posted by JuanMogen

  1. Lehigh needs to grow up. Kid's just trying to make a living, and they kick him when he's down. Iowa is doing the same to AJ. Sickening.
  2. "Will Lewan...there he is again" - Shane Sparks. That's about the best description of Will Lewan I've ever heard.
  3. Lmao!!!! Not even sure where this is directed.
  4. They tried so hard to take that from Davis.
  5. The ol’ “tech fall round” that we watch just to convince ourselves that we can tell how well our favorite and least favorite wrestlers “look” today.
  6. Really enjoy the tattoo talk. Got a cute butterfly on the small of my back to help me feel pretty.
  7. “I like our guy…let’s just say I like our guy.”
  8. I’m seeing a TJ Hill at 112, Joe Heskett at 152, and his teammate Victor Sveda at 215.
  9. Were you there when Keaton spiked that soccer player through the ***ducking** cafeteria table?
  10. Holy shit. Just realized Tom “The Big Cat” Erikson is Duke’s Assistant Coach. Big Cat is going to do to the ACC what he did to Randleman. The lighter colored pixels are Coach Erickson.
  11. Got my Duke Wrestling hoodie and giant foam finger ready to watch them shock the world.
  12. Checked out the seeds. Current predictions for winners at each weight: 125 - Davis 133 - Nagao 141 - Bartlett 149 - Kasak 157 - Haines 165 - Mesenbrink 174 - Starocci 184 - Riggins 197 - Brooks 275 - Sleepy Greg
  13. Never said you can’t criticize them, but are you suggesting we can’t compliment them?
  14. And you can, ironically, keep playing the part of the miserable, angry public, overly critical of a completely free of charge form of entertainment that does 100 times better than anything the complainers here could pull off.
  15. Dear Diary, Woke up today in my unwashed bed feeling unrested on account of my severe sleep apnea. Arthritis in all my joints kicking my 350 lb ass. Made a pot of my third favorite coffee. Had the extra money on account of not having to purchase hair care products anymore. Read the morning newspaper, which I still have delivered because I’m old as shit and act like it. Spent a little time dreaming about my third ex-wife getting run over by a cement mixer. Could have been a tanker truck, but my memory isn’t too good thanks to diabetes and high blood pressure slowly putting holes in my brain. Spent three hours trying to take a shit. Scored myself two new flaming hot hemorrhoids, which only adds to my baseline, irrationally high anger. Good news is I stole a gallon of cooking wine from my neighbor and hoping to catch a buzz off it later. If not, I can always huff spray paint while reading the stack of mail from collections. More good news is there’s a thread complaining about FRL on my favorite forum. Going to spend a little time there with my people - those who have all the same issues I do. We can complain together for a while, and then it’s off to coach wrestling where I can take out all that anger on a couple dozen high school kids. We’ll put this day in the win column. Couldn’t ask for more.
  16. I have no expectation that the fat, old, bald burnouts of this place will laugh at anything except some meme they found on funny.com. Edit - forgot to add “angry” to the list of adjectives.
  17. I have no expectation that the brilliant minds of wrestling will have a good answer for you, but they’ll confidently post some kind of diarrhea anyway.
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