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Everything posted by JuanMogen

  1. He's biased, and I'm tired of his trolling.
  2. Iowa will be fine. Brands just gave an interview and said that all Iowa has to do is "wrestle better", and they should be good to go. He's got it figured out.
  3. I'm saying Braeden Davis wasn't taken down.
  4. It’s tough. Sean Bormet has to head coach Michigan and Virginia Tech at the same time. I imagine he’ll focus on this dual instead of his VTech dual against Duke that on the same night.
  5. WrestleStat has adjusted its prediction, and is only giving Iowa a Caliendo win over Mesenbrink. This is how we know computers won’t take over the world. They’re really dumb.
  6. He’s a two ton man mountain. Sleepy Greg is the gentle giant we all love. Need something from the top shelf? Wake up DanGreg and he’ll gladly help. He’s the kind of guy you make friends with in high school right away. Then you can trash talk everybody else and nobody can retaliate because you have Danny G in your back pocket. I bet some dumb ass tried something stupid around him and he pinned the kid to the wall by his throat with one of those mile long arms. Never changed his facial expression. Just held him there long enough to make the point crystal clear. Didn’t hurt the kid; he doesn’t want to do that. He’s just correcting the behavior. And anybody who saw that go down passed on the word to the rest of the student body. Even the teachers caught wind of this and just let it slide. You want to be the one to give Kerk a suspension from school? Come on. That would be one well behaved high school with him being there. Just sitting in math class in some comically small chair, front row, anybody gets an idea that could disrupt things, he just glances back, and that’s the end of that silly thought. My high school sucked. We had one kid who thought he was the enforcer. Got a nickname of “Diesel”, like they all do. In fact, I bet my life somebody gave Kerkvliet the nickname “Diesel Dan” at one point, but at least he earned it. Back to the kid in my high school - he played football (of course), and lasted a quarter of a wrestling season with a losing record before he quit. You’re not enforcing a damn thing after the school watched you get pancaked over and over before you quit. He did that Rocco Welsh thing, you know - never caught smiling…never. Tried to keep that tough guy aura alive. Then somebody from the AP calculus class, like Shane Griffith, holds you down for a whole period (talking about Rocco again), and you kind of go “oh…I see. The bookworm is tougher than you”. Gives everybody some perspective. Thank you Greg Kerkvliet for being who you are. Maybe he is 285 pounds, but those angelic wings and halo give him a good 40 pounds of lift. Could get this man up to 325 pounds and still make weight. Hope my math is right on that. I’m no Shane Griffith.
  7. How the hell is Kerk only ~245 lbs? Ever stood by him or put a hand on his back? There are certain circumstances where I like when somebody really belittles me and makes me feel small. Ties me to a chair and slaps me around. But when you're next to Kerk, that's a different kind of feeling small, and I don't like it. Not to mention he can shake your hand from 15 feet away. No way he's only 245 is all I'm saying.
  8. Brands will make sure to have his guys good and beat up for this match. After getting curb stomped by Michigan, they'll react by working harder all week, which will bury them further. Lots of joint braces and KT tape on Friday.
  9. The Ferraris would be a good fit there.
  10. No idea about Caliendo and Mesenbrink, but don't you agree that Mike Caliendo looks more like a Silas Allred and Silas Allred looks more like a Mike Caliendo?
  11. Aaron Brooks’ best defense is a pure, Christian spirit and a strong relationship with our Heavenly Father. J. Christ himself gave Brooks a set of underhooks. Good luck beating those.
  12. The high school coaches who have developed their kids better than many college coaches.
  13. I don't know, but I think that's enough to cover his comment nicely.
  14. The announcer is great. Very neutral with "The refs have been 'a topic' across the country". He said what he needed to say without saying it. I've got a lot to learn from him. When I get slighted, I'm going 0 to 60, putting on my old singlet from the 70's, and going to work. Nobody does me wrong without eating a blast double.
  15. If I'm the ref, I'm not giving Surtin a point for anything until he takes that neck brace off. He could spladle someone, and I'd be on one knee saying "No control" doing one of those silly ref style hand movements.
  16. If I'm the ref, I'm hitting Keegan with locked hands anyway. Let's shake things up a bit.
  17. I admire your dedication to this cause. I'm going for insulting Iowa 77 times this season. So far I'm at 284 insults, so I might have overshot the mark a bit. They've just given us too much ammo.
  18. Winning or losing to D'emilio tells you nothing. Every 30 seconds its a different wrestler. Being careful about what I think about Kasak because of this; he may not have passed any real tests yet.
  19. I really wish back points and neutral danger was counted faster. These refs need to get in there and slide around on their bellies getting into position. First, the kid doing the turning deserves it, and secondly, it looks ridiculous.
  20. Fix about to walk through Edmond. He's back on his dad's water bottles.
  21. There's been some awful wrestling here. I want to go back to Penn State smashing Ohio State and people calling them "flat" for not getting a shut out.
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