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Everything posted by JuanMogen

  1. I cannot support that beard. Also pulling for Smith.
  2. That wasn't a takedown. I have evidence to support this from just last week.
  3. Question - hypothetically, if I coached a wrestling team and was perpetually stuck at “anger”, what should I do?
  4. Let me ask my mom if everything posted in the internet has to take a legitimate intellectual stance. Be right back.
  5. I apologize, and I'll explain what part I wanted you to focus on. Its the part you're trying to ignore. Its the injury part. It had nothing to do with the transfers - everybody is going to try to go where they want to. Usually, that's Penn State, who is known to develop wrestlers. Sometimes, they go to Iowa and get a cut of that bandage sponsorship money. But I'm a Hawkeye through and through anyway. That's why at age 65 I have crippling pain in my neck, low back, and knees from training the Iowa way. I want to see my boys pull it off tonight. If Real lands that keylock and Angel Rivera is at the helm, I think we're in business.
  6. Patterns vs. exceptions. Hopefully, Iowa will keep their KT Tape sponsorship after this season. Fund a few more transfers.
  7. Kind of liking the thought of Iowa going out there so aggressive they’re borderline fighting. It will start with Braeden Davis, which pissing him off seems like a huge mistake.
  8. Less popular. Nobody really remembers the people who injury default out of the NCAAs every year.
  9. As an Iowa faithful, I know walking into the arena that we’re about to pull off the greatest upset of the century. Tom Brands figured it out. He said he knows his guys need to “wrestle better” and “be tough”. He cracked the code. I’m going to sit back, eat about 3000 calories worth of snacks, and watch our boys go to work out there.
  10. Maybe Woods will land the key lock this time. Could transition to a knee bar or heel hook to secure the submission.
  11. Ridge. Gomez is like Andonian - everybody gets their peter in bunches all excited for some big throw, then he’ll drop the ball half the time when it matters.
  12. He missed Sunday church a few weeks ago and had that look in his eye like the Lord Almighty was about to smite him. He later repented and was all good, but boy was it tense for a while.
  13. Let's get the kid who threw the bong to 133 and keep the roster full. No more forfeits.
  14. My favorite part of freestyle is stopping the match after every exchange to see who gets the points because nobody can tell. Could be four blue or two red. No idea who gets it because scoring is so arbitrary and doesn’t reflect anything close to controlling your opponent. Let’s see who gets this gold medal based on if a fat ref/judge thinks you slightly redirected a chest wrap or not. You know what else? Let’s look over to a guy thirty feet away on the wrong side of the action to see if he agrees with the pin or not. Hold your arm up like you’re smelling your armpit and wait for the OK to slap the mat. But other countries do it, so it must be the right way to do things. I’m sure this wasn’t an agreed upon set of rules by a bunch of old, shrivel-brained, perma-concussed, fat dorks who wanted a set of rules that favored their country. Sure.
  15. The only thing about that post that I said couldn’t be better is Pyles getting called a jive turkey. I stand by that, BUT, I will give it my all to call him an equal or better name. I, for one, like Mr. Pyles and the crew. However, a well placed “jive turkey” will never stop being top shelf comedy. Got me when I least expected it to.
  16. I watch it twice a week every week, comment in their chat, and enjoy it. They do a great job. I look forward to them and BEG Wrestling. I understand that everybody’s job on the internet is to complain and pretend you can do better, but you won’t because you can’t. Somebody called Pyles a jive turkey last week. You telling me there’s something funnier anywhere else in life? There isn’t. I have another name for him loaded in the chamber, but I want to strike when the iron is hot. Might send it Askren’s way if it feels right.
  17. How will Iowa win with a roster of 3 kids and 7 forfeits?
  18. Depending on what that strawberry dessert was, could be worth it.
  19. Just saying…maybe we could ask him what the line is on him improving in college or not.
  20. It’s a bit of a gamble saying Nelson got better. He’s not in the line up, so not sure I would bet on it. Not going to roll those dice.
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