It’s not that par terre is ignored so much as it is not the primary instrument of scoring anymore. In freestyle if you’re being a bum they give the opponent a point because defending in par terre, globally, is easier (read: not easy, just easier) whereas in greco it is a destructive difference maker. Just a difference of styles and rule sets.
eg greco Passivity? Good luck not getting teched. It’s going to hurt at best and you’re going for a ride at worst. FS lace techs happen, but they don’t start in PT as punishment anymore for a reason.
Less time is spent in par terre in FS because it is only a fragment of each match typically. Also, freestyle requires more subtleties such as defending an entire body and “do I give up one or two or four?” Whereas high level greco is decided by multiples of ones and the occasional YouTube highlight which is much more rare than folks think.
And yes, greco specialists have almost always had better gutwrenches. But they can’t defend a lace to save their life in the same vein. So tomato, tomahto, it’s a wash and best to appreciate each style.
No matter what at least we can all agree that anything better than ball grabs and clinches, right?