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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. He’d be smart to play the long game and build up his helium reserves. That market is collapsing in live time.
  2. Has a desire to kick ass and take names as he continues his revenge tour?
  3. Nice to see Spencer getting in reps but I guess this means he won't be going to Deglane. Would have been nice for him to get some international feels, including refs. I also want to see the Braunagels wrestle freestyle and Luffman to go greco, and I want Cassioppi to show up in a Team Illinois singlet. Finally, I want to see Ferrari sign up at 97 for kicks and giggles. That will really get the hot takes machine firing on all cylinders
  4. Yes, he was. He quite literally said so. Now go fetch my latte with oat milk this time or you can kiss your internship goodbye.
  5. Did you watch the US Open a month before he wrestled Zahid? His knee and elbow were hanging together with bubblegum and duct tape. But you knew that before your troll comment didn't you?
  6. Kollin Moore's final boss by year: 2017: J'Den Cox 2018: Conel on an all-time heater weekend 2019: Bo Nickal 2020: Covid 2021: Kyle Snyder at 97 OTT, J'Den at 92 WTT 2022: Kyle Snyder 2023: Injured
  7. So the prestigious football alumni of *checks notes* A middle of flyover country wannabe athletic startup is cool with cutting all its lifeblood athletics teams? Who are they going to ask for money? Not sure if they got the memo about Missouri being poor, or the significant lack of philanthropy, or the fact that LU is trying to make itself a second-tier athletic institution in its own state. But they just self-removed their own goodwill from their small donor base. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face...
  8. If Steveson wrestles then Kerk likely drops to the 2 or 3 seed side which still puts him in the finals. He took his only competition to the woodshed and the coaches poll will not look kindly upon Schultz ducking multiple years.
  9. And if you’re 5-8 at 125 you have a great shot to win it all. Not a deep weight that lacks firepower this season.
  10. Moore was a lock and has had Cormier levels of bad draws his whole career. When it’s his time at NCAAs covid happens. Finally gets the chance to shine at 92 this year and his body is ripped to shreds at the worst possible time.
  11. Allred said ope whoopsie daisy h/t @nhs67
  12. Care to explain these shenanigans? https://swimswam.com/suspicious-splitting-in-800-free-raises-questions-at-u-s-open/
  13. Who says Andonian doesn’t have a gas tank? Just because he doesn’t dive into legs hoping for a stalemate on the edge?
  14. Is Phillipi wrestling again for the 57th consecutive season?
  15. I am an avowed Andonian stan. I hope he sticks Shapiro and every single opponent this year. Make Freco Fun Again! But seriously, I love Ed Scott and Bryce Andonian and Ridge Lovett. Let it all hang go gangbusters.
  16. How else would they make money if they didn't ask fans to vacate the premises for an hour then pay for the next session?
  17. Also shoutout Jack Jessen. 184 past five years bumped wayyy up to 285 this year. He looks like he doesn't weigh more than 205 and had a tough day but gotta give kudos where they are do for guys who had rough injuries early and just do it for love of the game.
  18. Rule #1: We do not say that I have great points 'round these parts. Rule #2: Rinse & Repeat.
  19. Okay I have a dumb question. What is HFS? Second, It's okay to HEW. It is especially okay for Griffith to potentially HEW at the end of the semester. He literally saved so many Stanford sports. Not "just" wrestling. He put the team on his back like Greg Jennings in Madden. But he also is smart to get his Ross MBA paid for and then double down by getting paid. He doesn't even have to go to work for 2-4 years before applying like most T1 MBA candidates. I mean look back at his NCAA interview... he was ready to move on but he's a young businessman and $ talks. I hope he wins the whole damn thing as the shining star on top of the stellar career he has already had.
  20. Andonian: Welcome to D1 kid. Ready for a ride? Shapiro: Welcome to the consolation bracket. See you in March.
  21. They completely gave up on native app support years ago and it shows. Maybe don't run off product managers and devs idk.
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