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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. Even after omitting half the teams in the dual, that is a better hype video than anything I have ever seen at the NCAA level for wrestling. You want to grow fans in 2023? This is how. Dana White may be an S-tier scumbag but he is a scumbag with an international audience and wrestling would be keen to take notes.
  2. A few reasons in no particular order: The current trend across all sports is fewer actual goes in order to reduce wear & tear. Less mileage = ability to produce at a deeper depth when it matters for a longer sustained period of time i.e can do 2 major tournaments per year for 10 years instead of 4 major tournaments in 4 months for five years. This goes against the previous multi-generational "wrestle as many matches as possible" mantra. Seeds don't matter nearly as much with the medalists earning auto byes. And honestly how much do they really matter at the senior level anyways? Everyone is so good and the only goal is to win. At NCAAs sure a seed could be the difference between AA 8th and R16/R12, but if you want to make a world/olympic team you have to beat everyone. Refer to Vito and Taylor and Dake and Parris as contemporary examples that earned '23 world medals but were previously unable to break through domestic barriers. Some guys are banged up and are at a mental level where going to last chance to earn their spot is not intimidating. They would rather be healthy when it matters most than cause more damage.
  3. In the event the federal supreme court does not reverse the decision, in a one word answer ("yes" or "no") will your opinion change?
  4. You know what else was a bad precedent? Leading an insurrection on January 6. That does not comport to democracy and is a terrible precedent - just ask Brazil. Let me ask you: do you feel that the above is an opinion or a fact? If the former, then is your rhetoric any different? If the latter, then why are we wasting our time since literally no one in this forum is a credentialed legal scholar?
  5. That's literally why we elect them. In business terms, it's reverse delegating a task/decision up to your manager.
  6. This is a state exercising state rights as voted on by citizens of the state. Populus -> Governor and state government consituents -> State supreme court. In Colorado, state supreme court justices are selected through assisted appointment with a governor-controlled judicial nominating commission. Justices are appointed by the governor with the assistance of a commission with a majority of members selected by the governor. This means that the people entrusted their democratically majority elected officials to determine their state supreme court. If that sounds familiar it is because that is how the federal supreme court is selected at a nearly 1:1 path.
  7. Lot of ground to make up in order to catch @ionel by EOY.
  8. Speaking of optics and Confederate traitors to the United States of America
  9. At this point I think Lilledahl should reclassify and throw his name in for 125
  10. Average head salary is $3.5. 250k/3.5m is approximately 7.14% so I would call that a wee bit more than a penny.
  11. First offense is $250 and increases in $250 increments for each additional offense. Teams start at $500.
  12. The NBA commissioner has gone to great lengths over a number of years to resolve the load management issue with positive reinforcement [play-In tournament with with approximately a $40,000,000 prize pool for the players and coaches] and negative reinforcement [6 to seven figure escalating fines at the coach and team levels].
  13. Unless Taylor doesn't win gold - then he is going to stick around and go on a revenge tour. But the end of the current quad is going to be a much bigger changing of the guard than ever before. JB, Taylor, Cox, and Gilman are all likely to leave their shoes on the mat. I think Dake will continue going even if he wins an *olympic gold, Gilman retires the next time he doesn't make the team which may very well be in 18 short weeks, and Snyder is going to compete until he's 40 or can't make the team (I'll take the former). We are very much witnessing a valiant last stand and we should all take a moment to appreciate the renaissance of freestyle wrestling. The real treasure was the chairs we threw along the way.
  14. It's not much, but ESPN is currently a top 4 headline to the women's volleyball national championship during an NFL Sunday and bowl games. Make no mistake, in times like these every single one of our sports needs to band together more than ever. Hopefully more of the same at a higher level is on the horizon!
  15. Did anyone else notice that it looked like Brands had major "RBY cradle" face when DeSanto asked for injury time when it initially happened and then angain after the match?
  16. For as much depth as exists at 125 this tourney felt very shallow. Great for GTG and today's squad, but if Cassioppi decided last minute to bump up would anyone have beaten him? What if the Elam boys showed up? Dom probably owns them from familiarity I guess? Wish Davison would have shown up and qualified because he has a beautiful international style. All the big guns have already qualified and only Kerk no-showed from the A group. From the last quad, Nelson has retired. Last Chance will be very myeh unless Warner bumps up (dumb imo) or Hendrickson recovers and takes out Kerk at NCAAs. Honestly, if Varner gave it a go he would be my pick unless someone comes out of the woodwork like Keuter, Feldman, Davison, etc.
  17. It is well-known that Ringer walked around at 203 in the offseason way back in college. I wouldn't say bird bones so much as an old school mental toughness when it comes to cutting, for better and worse.
  18. I wish Warner would try harder the first 98% of a match. I'm pretty sure I'm the only Warner fan left and it's getting harder every moment to root knowing he doesn't have to cut as much but still has no oomph.
  19. I had questions about day 2 Cass on the first cut of his life. Unfortunately I think we have the answer. Good thing he doesn't have to do anything for 5:55 in his next match.
  20. You better hope there isn't a takedown and series of laces during commercials.
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