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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I'm waiting for Wkn to explain this, need someone in the know, I'm completely baffled with where Jimmy is going here.
  2. Last full solar thru our area, filed a flight plan for 11k GPS points along the best solar line, got to first fix ~20/30 min prior to arrival then turned SE on course & let the full eclipse catch us then pass us. Above all clouds & haze so great viz and really cool plus lasted longer than on ground. Have some video & pics but they don't do justice to the live visual.
  3. Who isn't willing to sacrifice a limb for the sake of the team. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. He said: "top of the podium in the Michigan room." Didnt know rooms had podiums but ...
  5. Don't ask me, I just clicked on it from Bob's assorted emoticons. Maybe it got out of the Zoo, an ape scratching its head.
  6. Good grief man are you actually new/oblivious to the situation? Have you ever met them?
  7. I'm sure Pendleton will do wonders with this kid. It was a close final match but don't think Smith's will be the starter at 65 this year but if he can work the weight cut, maybe 57 ...
  8. Why would you hope that? The best thing that could happen to the Ferrari and any program silly enough to land them is if they are separated giving them a chance to grow up and be away from the Sr at least 50% to 67% of the time.
  9. Doesn't this seem odd, cause pretty sure the runner-up already committed to OSU.
  10. I remember this being discussed before but I do not remember/know the answer.
  11. And he may be from Mizzu but he don't know Ag.
  12. Don't know about that, didn't Nolf do pretty well without a knee? A bit of flu, who knows. Don't we all know that Cael had a bit of flu sometime during the 159? I do know that Wkn gets upset when folks suggest PSU is throwing around big NIL coin. I think that's as close (and he doesn't live near happy valley) to an upset Penn St as we are going to get, but what do I know.
  13. Where is @MedicineMan? Put a singlet on that Roo.
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