If only we knew someone who could put together data tables and some nice graphs on the subject. You'd think this would be public data but who knows. Different sport (BB) but I know a car dealer who reported (personal conversation) a booster provided a 4 year leased Audio for a student athlete, said athlete wrecked it 3 times, they fixed it 3 times. But my source said the most common NIL is to just show up for a booster child's birthday party. Now who is to question if such would be worth $100k to $500k. Think of the 5 year old if lives to be 105 and the value of those 100 years of five year old birthday party memories. Clearly these are not "charity" examples but they seem pretty charitable. But of course instead of a child's birthday party could said athlete show up for a charity fund raiser event and garnish a similar $100k payment? It's easy to speculate how Griffith would have value to CK and all but what about R. Woods and N. Suriano. For the hundreds of k they were paid where was the image value, did any see commercials or ads? Is it really possible that an athlete from non-revenue sport can have more value than the coach's salary or the operating budget for the sport. And sure since non-revenue maybe the coaches have no value and shouldn't be paid.
Don't say no know, show us the data tables.