this ^^^ is what I'm talking about. Fly dont make a zero probability bet until you've at least checked with Wkn, he's got the probability tables.
PS: of course Wkn might lead you astray, he's sneaky that way, and he loves Penn State
Ahh Fly ... you are about to wager that there's zero chance not that he doesn't AA. Sounds like bad bet (there's always a chance) and I'd hate to lose track of a good internet buddy again because he's gotta change his avatar.
You should register for SCATR:
The State Courts Against Typing Rage (SCATR) course was developed to educate younger typers charged with serious keyboard violations.
No one (well maybe you) credits him with 4 NCs. Do any credit Gable with 3, do any credit Hutton as the first 4x undefeated NC? Those 2 actually completed the tournament.
Just better hope they don't transfer to Nebraska, they got Pinto, that kid's on fire them frost boys will just be a warm puddle of water in that practice room.
Any smart AD with 15+ years on the job and seeing the gambling problem and a fleet of Focus heading down the tracks toward him would say its a good time to step out of the way.