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Theo Brixton

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Everything posted by Theo Brixton

  1. So they're screaming Freight-Train Ferrari from the stands and Fudge-Tunnel Ferrari on OnlyFans. I like the symmetry of it all.
  2. Imagine Bill Gates putting the moves on a girl. Maybe she was a Russian spy--she certainly associated with them. Or maybe bridge is the ultimate aphrodisiac. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bill-gates-blackmailed-jeffrey-epstein-over-affair-russian-bridge-player
  3. Not justifying anything. Don't infer what isn't implied.
  4. For Gates? Yes, I'd say having consensual sex with an adult is less scummy than raping a minor. Doesn't mean it isn't scummy but it's certainly less scummy than if she were an Epstein-procured minor.
  5. Actually, in this instance, she was of consenting age. Epstein did Gates pretty dirty. Billy boy found the lass on his own without Epstein's assistance. Epstein later finds out about the tryst and pays for the girl's tuition to coding school and then emails Gates to inform him that he needs to reimburse Epstein for the tuition. This was obviously his not-so-subtle way of telling Gates he knew of his misdeeds. This is how Epstein got Gates into his orbit. Of course that girl had links to connected people in Russia but she wasn't a minor.
  6. Can we all just agree that the real victim in all of this is Bill Gates? If a billionaire can't have a side-piece without it being used against him by a (presumably) Israeli intelligence asset, what has the world come to?
  7. ChatGPT can be fun. I asked it to write a limerick about David Taylor taking PEDs at Treigning Lab and it refused. Also refused to write one about taking testosterone and EPO. Found that it would write one about taking creatine or "supplements". Apparently, it already has enough data to know who David Taylor as I didn't say anything about his wrestling in the prompt. Here it is: In Treigning Lab, David did sweat, Seeking strength, he placed his bet. With supplements in his stash, He aimed for a powerful dash, On the mat, his foes he would threat!
  8. I am not sure how I feel about a technology that can write a decent limerick about a smurf crossing state lines on a Sunday to buy liquor but can't get basic facts right that are readily verifiable. I see at least six errors in the accolades on that list. ChatGPT is the ultimate human: often wrong but never in doubt.
  9. Durlacher- NCAA runner-up Joe Warren- NCAA All-American Harry Lester- Bluest of blue chip recruits that decides to go greco TC Dantzler- 4x NCAA qualifier Brad Vering- NCAA Champ Jake Clark- great HS recruit that follows brother to the Marines after a year at UofM Ruiz- Blue chip recruit, NCAA All-American. I don't think he used up all his NCAA eligibility either. Byers- college football for a bit, overall stud Greco has a recruiting problem. Between freestyle RTCs and MMA, the second-tier wrestlers have options they didn't have 20-30 years ago. It also doesn't help that some elite clubs steer their kids away from greco.
  10. Categorically false and laughably so. And then you pull a crawdaddy when someone calls you out on it. Adorable.
  11. The dearth of high-caliber athletes is the most obvious impediment to American success in greco. It should come as little surprise that the great 2006 and 2007 teams which finished 3rd and 1st were loaded with legit former collegiate wrestlers that were talented enough to be on the freestyle ladder.
  12. Maybe not quite what you're looking for but: Lindland for Kieth Sieracki. Randy Lewis for Leroy Smith. And Lee Kemp surrendered his spot in 1983 to Dave Schultz by not going through with the final wrestle off.
  13. Terry Brands, maybe twice, can't remember exactly. Trevel Dlagnev, 2015. Happens very rarely for obvious reasons.
  14. What is the driving force behind this? I remember Timberlane being a force in the 90's but not much else.
  15. So what you're saying is that wrestling needs the equivalent of the casting couch to get a foothold in Hollywood.
  16. Burroughs, Taylor and Snyder are getting a nice stipend for being #1 on the National Team. As well they should.
  17. Too bad he couldn't do it at the varsity weight when it counted in 2021. It is unfortunate that 61 kg is a JV weight by world standards but this is the world we live in.
  18. Paint yourself into a corner and gaslight out of it. Cute schtick. And you basically confirm that 2021 61 MFS was weak by WC standards. You're using the Armenian as evidence of the quality of the weight? A guy that only 1.5 months earlier was 0-1 at 57 kg with no prior Sr. accomplishments? Great insights. Keep em coming...
  19. You seem to have issues with basic logic. I guess you let your emotions get the best of you defending "your boy". I get it, your'e a loyal friend. I am sure Daton and Derek appreciate it. The following statements can be true simultaneously: I think Fix is a great wrestler. I think Fix medaled at a watered-down weight in 2021. Regardless, I think it is a great accomplishment. I think Fix was better in 2019 than 2021. I also think Fix cheated and should have been forced to sit out 2021.
  20. I agree a 50 kg medal is not as impressive as a medal at one of the more competitive U20 weights. Similar to how Fix's 2021 World medal is not comparable to a typical World medal at an Olympic weight in a non-Olympic year.
  21. It will never cease to be amusing to me when non-anonymous internet nobodies talk any world medal down…
  22. If I actually "pulled a crawdaddy" you might have a point.
  23. Pot meet kettle... Glass houses, stones...
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