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Theo Brixton

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Everything posted by Theo Brixton

  1. Obviously a typo. Plenty of affordable off-campus housing in many cities/towns with top D1 wrestling programs-especially if you are living simply. What is the point of even mentioning grayshirting if you agree it has little to do with success in D1 wrestling? Children of privilege can go to Switzerland for holiday skiing-- does that have any relevance to wrestling performance? For a child to have access to top clubs and an environment to maximize their potential in wrestling often requires a highly involved parent, typically the father. It is unfortunate that many children do not have a stable nuclear family life to maximize their potential in all aspects of development. However, to invoke privilege (as the term was traditionally used) is inappropriate. The boys in Iran and Dagestan/Ossetia would get a good laugh at the notion of their own privilege.
  2. Grayshirting for the purpose of extending eligibility is ridiculous but virtually irrelevant to outcome disparities between the "privileged" (whatever that means?) and others in collegiate wrestling. Access to elite club wrestling is far more relevant to performance differences in wrestling. A middle-income family committed to a child's athletic development can afford club fees for even the best clubs, assuming location is not an issue. I would hardly call a middle-income family "privileged" but as we all know, the term has been perverted. It is this connotation that people bristle at. And this is besides the point that the cost of living in a flophouse off campus while training a few hours a day at an RTC is something that is cost-prohibitive to no recruit a coach is interested in.
  3. Weird to be invoking "privilege" in any of this. If wrestling post-high school needs to be tied to universities, I think it's fine to have a redshirt. It takes time for most to get the hang of balancing the rigors of collegiate wrestling and academics--especially if they are majoring in something that makes them employable afterwards. Many non-athletes take more than 4 years to graduate so 5 years isn't unheard regardless of athletics. What is getting out of hand are the endless extra years given for injuries, Covid, Olympic runs, whatever. Your clock should start after graduating high school--5 years. If you anticipate making an Olympic run, take that into consideration when planning your career. Want to greyshirt? Great, you just used a year of eligibility. I'd also be fine with eligibility being tied to age to end the ridiculous habit of middle school redshirts.
  4. He seems like a tweener but Smith probably projects him at 184.
  5. The guy on the left looks like a cross between the Liver King and Jordan Leen... Interesting video. I have always felt that Snyder would benefit from focusing on more explosive lifting movements. He always appears slow-footed and lumbering against Sadulaev but then again, everyone looks less explosive against the GOAT.
  6. If AJ ends up going to prison, how long before he gets shivved? I can't imagine a more obnoxious inmate.
  7. Probably 4x NCAA champion, preferably undefeated. But not everyone can be Marcus Levesseur.
  8. If UW has the power to enable his eligibility this year then yes, very crappy move by them.
  9. You may be on to something. Seems like Mrs. Manning has an opinion here:
  10. It's unfortunate for Burwick that it seems like he only found out about the transfer after window for entering the portal had closed. He was in a difficult position because if he entered the portal earlier, he risked losing his scholarship because he didn't have any meaningful leverage. I'm sure he feels Bono did him dirty but going public like this when UW has no control over his eligibility isn't the best look.
  11. Funny, when I google "biscuits n' gravy" those images doesn't pop up. Maybe mom needs to change the search settings... @RedPanda--"biscuits n' gravy Davey" is the David Taylor that reaches 97 kg by eating like a high school offensive linemen trying to crack the varsity lineup. No regard for the quality of the weight gained. You may be aware Treigning Lab does things in a more "scientific" way. One might expect Treigning Lab Taylor to fill out to 97 kg with more lean body mass. How they achieve this is an interesting topic in its own right...
  12. Snoop Dog was involved in the Jake Paul-Ben Askren circus last year. I have to imagine he was endlessly amused by Ben's use of the "Funky" nickname.
  13. I know this isn't happening, it's purely hypothetical. In this hypothetical scenario it's Treigning Lab Taylor, not biscuits n' gravy Davey. He has the frame to handle the extra weight but would need hormonal assistance for it to be lean mass.
  14. Cox has all the physical tools but lacks the killer instinct. And he hasn't committed to 97 kg completely--regardless of his issues at the scale.
  15. Question isn't asking about 86 kg Taylor-- it's asking about the hypothetical scenario where DT is a fully-formed 97 kg. In that scenario, I think DT is a clear favorite over Snyder. He's just far more dynamic than Snyder and if Taylor completely filled out, horsepower would not be the deciding factor.
  16. If themat.com was a cesspool, what is the Intermat forum going to be called? Guessing Spey will have to go incognito to participate here.
  17. Title should be self-explanatory. Taylor has looked fantastic at 86 kg and to my mind, is the clear #2 P4P. I think he still has room on his frame to add weight and would be the only person on the planet that has a chance to challenge Sadulaev.
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