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Theo Brixton

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Everything posted by Theo Brixton

  1. Which one of your "contacts" is prescribing your psych meds? Might want to get them adjusted...
  2. Interesting to see the people incapable of envisioning events that didn't already happen. Life must be easier that way.
  3. A vacuous appeal to authority is fitting for you. Any person suggesting that the unvaccinated should lose their jobs or be prevented from participating in daily public life is woefully uniformed (and likely nasty, petty and vindictive), MD or otherwise. Any person claiming that young people must be vaccinated to attend school really doesn't understand medicine or basic decency. The risk-benefit profile for young men and boys is unclear and mandating Covid vaccination for them is unethical and not based in science or evidence-based medicine. Any person demanding a previously infected person be vaccinated does not understand how the immune system works and its relevance to Covid (or is doing so for political purposes--pathetic). Fauci is a highly polarizing for a number of reasons and several of them are legitimate. He's a self-serving narcissist that has done his best to create a narrative fitting his agenda. Much of what he says is based in fact, of course, but some important points can be outright refuted--besides the various times he has talked out of both sides of his mouth. If you've never seen alarm bells raised then you should crawl out of whatever echo chamber you're in occasionally. Or maybe just refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about. Most medical professionals are not following any of the minutiae associated with vaccines and the devil's in the details.
  4. If he continues to be undersized, his name is officially Squirt McHenry.
  5. The US team in 2018 in Iowa City were largely the World reps but the timing of this event is not ideal. I have been to a couple WCs and by the end of the week, it's too much. I am not sure how to do it, but the best product might be a card-based approach with top level matches kind of like the UFC. 2-3 hour events regularly spaced throughout the year that have meaning would be an interesting product but runs counter to what wrestling traditionally does.
  6. Agree. Would be particularly impressive to be able to bring young AJ to heel without the ability to physically manhandle him.
  7. I guess I say it for selfish reasons since I plan to attend. It is unfortunate that there are only two events that matter--Final X and WC's. Wish that wasn't the case.
  8. Your response lacked the nuance I come to expect from you. The vaccines have the potential to limit severe disease and death of those at high risk. Aggregated analysis of the vaccine trials bore this out for a number of vaccines (but not all, BTW). Those at significant risk of severe disease were well-advised to take them. Young, healthy adults and children should not have been required to take the vaccine to participate in public life. They should be free to take an approved vaccine if they choose but should not be compelled. Any person suggesting otherwise is just pathetic and should not be in a position of authority. On themat.com forums, there were a surprising number of idiots who relished the thought of forcing others to take the vaccines and/or punishing those who resisted. Pretty sad to see actually. Fauci is widely recognized as a political creature and his statements should be treated as such--not sure how that can be a controversial statement in any way at this point if you are paying attention.
  9. I think AJ needed and would benefit from some tough love. And I think Cael was the only one capable of doling it out. I think it's plausible constant drubbings in the room might have kept his ego in check. That's the working hypothesis at least and will forever remain a though experiment.
  10. PhD in biochemistry. Work in drug development. Have a close friend that was responsible for the design of an approved Covid vaccine outside of the United States. Yeah, I don't know anything and couldn't possibly have an independent, informed thought on any of this. To criticize Fauci is not tacit support of Trump. You are so blinded by TDS that you and many others here can't think straight. A sight to behold...
  11. Honestly, this is pretty lame. How pathetic is it that the United States can't field a full first-team when the event is at home?
  12. This is the point of the original post. I contend Cael is the only coach with any chance of managing Ferrari(s). Cael obviously doesn't need AJ but prior to his winning the NCAA's, he didn't come across as that much more obnoxious than Starocci and there isn't any evidence (that I'm aware of) that he veered into criminal behavior before then.
  13. LOL, Fauci was wrong about a lot. There probably wasn't one major issue of the pandemic where he didn't say something factually incorrect for political purposes. He talked out of both sides of his mouth on everything and there is ample video evidence to document this. To mock the idea that Fauci was a highly controversial figure means you drank the MSM Kool-Aid. Explains a lot.
  14. The argument presupposes that AJ started his career at PSU. Chances of him possessing any humility went out the window once he declared his 665 lb. deadlift to the world.
  15. What weight does he plan to go? He seems to have plenty of success wrestling "fat and happy". There's going to be a logjam at 184-197 for Mizzou.
  16. You are taking this far more seriously than I am, bro. Of course it's a ridiculous take. But if you thought about it for even a little bit, you would see there is an element of truth to it. If you can't see that, there's definitely an idiot posting here... Not assuming that at all. I think Cael could manage this better than John Smith. Albert Sr. would have no delusions that he's the alpha male in this relationship. This is a key element contributing to the dysfunction of all Ferrari-human interactions. Cael could have clipped Ferrari's wings in a way that no one else could thereby perhaps altering the course of young AJ's life for the better. Cael has never kicked good NCAA points off the team unless there were criminal charges. Does Ed Ruth ring a (Taco) bell? AJ would represent one of the few instances where this would undoubtedly be warranted. And it could have benefited him immensely. The more Ferrari is humbled in the room, the less of a criminal he acts outside of it. Probably true. Cael can't fix everything. Absolutely.
  17. Trump is a Russian asset! My COVID vaccine protects you! The unvaccinated must be punished! The lab leak hypothesis is racist! I could go on... See, both sides can play that game. The difference is virtually no one on the right believes any of the nonsense you mention while many on the left are so blinded by their hatred for Trump that they would say the world is flat if Donny said it was round. And this is coming from someone that would rather have Trump stroke out than run in 2024.
  18. I always felt guilty giving gift cards as presents. It lacks the thoughtfulness of a gift tailored to the recipient but you're restricting where they can spend the cash. Many of them go unredeemed so it works out for the stores.
  19. I say yes. He showed no respect to the GOAT--recall him Tweeting unflattering photos of a young John Smith (vote for Pedro). Ferrari just got too big for his britches at OSU without anyone to bring him to heel. The only thing AJ understands is violence and the only coach capable of speaking this language to him is Cael. Just imagine the piss-poundings Cael would have doled out to keep him in line. I have to imagine young AJ would think twice about any action that would draw the wrath of practice room Sanderson (or Varner, Taylor, Snyder, Nickal and Kerk). And Cael would have every reason to keep him engaged--about 21.5 reasons in 2021 to be exact. It seems like an unlikely union but I think Cael could have made it work.
  20. If I counted correctly, 4x All-American Dustin Manotti (Cornell) had 26 NCAA matches. Had the distinction of a first round loss in 2006 and battled back to 3rd place.
  21. Brandon Paulson (1996) and Garrett Lowney (2000) are two who qualified in the year that they redshirted. I think Barry Davis took a redshirt in 1984 but am not sure if it was an Olympic redshirt.
  22. I think this is a fine compromise. No need for more than 5 years and it allows some flexibility within those 5 years.
  23. Maybe it isn't the "real" TBar. You and Musk have similar problems these days. LOL...
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