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Everything posted by mspart

  1. As I said in another thread, our government is just a reflection of us. Unfortunately. mspart
  2. Not really. You have said it repeatedly whether you want to acknowledge it or not. If not for the whistleblowers, the deal with Hunter would be over. Again that is my opinion. It is not over and I attribute that to Congress bringing on the hearing and letting the whistle blowers have their say. And it was a lot. So it is not enough for Congress is my point. They are doing what the admin won't do. I agree it is not really Congress' issue to deal with, but it otherwise was not being dealt with. Perhaps it is time for the Ds in the WH to take things seriously rather than try to save an alleged felon and letting him get away with it. Unfortunately for them, it implies wrongdoing by current POTUS so they want this hushed up as it appears you do based on your many posts on the Hunter saga. Either Joe is lying or Hunter was lying when Hunter told the chinese guy that his dad was sitting beside him and they both would be very angry if this didn't turn out like they wanted it to. And that comment is incontrovertible. Someone ain't telling the truth. mspart
  3. My wife and I were discussing Fritos yesterday. She was wondering how they disappear so fast. I said they just melt. She said no, it is more like they sublime. The disappearance always happens just after the bag is opened so sublimation could be it. mspart
  4. But you are saying that Hunter is not worth the attention. He allegedly broke federal law and pleaded guilty to that. That means he broke more laws than what he is pleading guilty to. And his plea bargain was a sweetheart of a deal. But no more. The hearings with the whistleblowers had a lot to do with the judge's "new" direction on this in my opinion. Maybe not, but the timing is interesting. Defense and prosecutors had different ideas as to what the plea bargain was. Defense thought it meant immunity from future prosecution as well. Feds couldn't say that out loud or write it down because that means they are no longer investigating other wrong doing and that wouldn't look right to anyone. So there is a difference there. That's what I see. The whistleblowers showed that there is a lot more to this story than just the little bit in the plea bargains. The judge rightly called the plea bargain into question. That's my opinion. mspart
  5. This has been interesting reading. Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clots) was an issue for sure with Covid vaccines. Was especially a problem for the AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines. Myocarditis (enlarged heart) was a real thing for Covid Vaccines for people aged 12-39. Found this info from a simple google search. I remember these issues as the pandemic was happening. But there were a lot of assurances that the risk was low. mspart
  6. The problem with our government is us. It is only a reflection of society. mspart
  7. This is a huge federal legal issue. It needs to be resolved objectively. If that means more Hunter in the news, then so be it. The Feds need to get this right and it appears to everyone that they are doing their darnedest to get it wrong. It is not a good look to the majority of citizens I'm sure. Even those who are on Team Biden must be thinking, "wait, what if I get in trouble, will I get the same kind of help Hunter is getting?" Of course we all know the answer to that. It depends on when and what party controls the presidency. I hate to say it that bluntly, but that is where this country is going. So now, who can trust the Judiciary to do the right thing? Hopefully this gets corrected. mspart
  8. Term limits is a Constitutional issue as SCOTUS said some time ago. Pay is another matter and is up to Congress to make. Those are big numbers but it is expensive to live there. I'm not sure item 1 is doable but the idea is not bad. I'm not sure turning over their entire wealth to the treasury is a good idea. What rich guy would want to do that? A middle class guy might be ok with it except for any savings or other investments they have. Poor guys wouldn't care. But this is interesting to say the least. mspart
  9. I'm guessing he and his team think he is that good. Maybe he is. Maybe not. I would be 100% on the WT and training like it. mspart
  10. Seattle - 1. allowing open hard drug usage and possession. 2. Not enforcing defacement laws 3. Allowing CHAZ/CHOP to exist. 4. Allowing the east precinct (in CHAZ/CHOP) to be ransacked and shut down. 5. Passing a law to not follow State Law drug policy - no prosecution of drug offenses. 6. Allowing shoplifting if it is under $900. 7. Allowing criminals to use guns in criminal enterprises and when caught throw out the gun charges. 8. Setting up safe drug usage zones. 9. Fix all that by cleaning up around the ball park for the ALL STAR GAME. People were amazed at no poop or pee on the sidewalks, been a long time since they were last clean. 10. Now we'll see if the city council has the drive to keep the city clean. There's a few for you. mspart
  11. Ah Man!! I was looking forward to doing that one. mspart
  12. Le Duke, How is he being willfully ignorant? How is he being naive? mspart
  13. Isn't that the definition of a tax cut? I pay x now, but I will be paying x-y then. So I get to keep my y amount of money. I'm not clear on what you are saying here. Of course it is my money if I get reduced rate or a credit that is not more than what I paid in. That is the definition of a tax cut. mspart
  14. I don't understand this. They will not get their loan forgiven but the interest will? So that is $48k of interest for each borrower? That's a huge average loan. I'm guessing with payouts averaging $48k, this is not just covering interest but principle as well. That said, with a 30 year loan you can pay 2-3 times the principle in interest. So maybe it is not a stretch but anyone taking out that kind of loan for a non paying degree doesn't deserve to have loan forgiveness. Those that did get a paying degree, same. Just my thoughts on this. mspart
  15. Well, it is not the WC now is it. Not everyone is going to show up. But a ranking tourney is for those wanting seeds in the WCs so it will be tough than the Spanish Gran Prix lets say. Anyway, We should have had 5 golds if Dake and Taylor were there. The other World Team members did well medalling. mspart
  16. Sorry Bob, you'll need to pick up your own slack. Being dead doesn't excuse you from due diligence. mspart
  17. So what are you saying? You made a statement of what the issue was that is driving this latest effort. Reports are that $39 billion goes to 804k borrowers for this latest effort. That is over 48K per borrower on average. That is what will be paid out for the items you described. Not sure how that is not what you are saying when you said it. Those are the numbers for what your definitive statement below describes. It seems to me like that is what you were saying. I'm not sure how to interpret it otherwise. mspart
  18. So 3 golds, 2 silvers, and 3 bronzes for MFS. Again, that is a pretty good showing! mspart
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