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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I agree as well. JB has been there so long it was weird not seeing his name. Hoping for nothing but success for Chance. mspart
  2. That sounds like the case. That one was about a restraining order that was not enforced by the local police. Apparently that is not required. So what is the purpose of a restraining order? 3 people are dead as a result. mspart
  3. Yes, the debates should end before voting begins. This was not an issue before early voting became a thing. Vote on the day of the vote. That way you have all the info. mspart
  4. Responses in RED. This is my last post on this little argument. You clearly are steeped your opinion as am I. I feel RFK Jr should debate Biden and you don't. I think that sums this up nicely. mspart
  5. SCOTUS said they cannot use race as a determination criteria. Based on that, more Asians will get into Harvard if they continue to apply in the numbers they have in the past. mspart
  6. My comments in Red. mspart
  7. SCOTUS and the lower courts accepted they had standing. Perhaps going to one of these courts to get an understanding will be better than getting understand from one of the yokels (myself included) on this board. Let's accept that they had standing (just as SCOTUS and lower courts did), where did the 6-3 ruling go right, and where did it go wrong? Same for the dissent. My simple opinion is as I have explained. Using the Constitution, a President's executive order does not carry the weight of law. In financial matters all bills start in the House. There was no general student loan bill started in the House. It started on the President's desk. Therefore, not valid. Period. That's my very simple opinion of this. This is assuming that you can't use a law made specifically for military personnel to apply to the general public. I believe that is where the dissent and Biden get it wrong. mspart
  8. Vak - I agree that students in general (99% of them) don't understand financing and that is the fault of our education system. That should be as important as the other MATH classes they have to take. The loan officer will answer questions but if you don't know what to ask, it all sounds rosy. Honestly I didn't learn until I had to take Engineering Finance. When I go in for a closing, I know exactly how much will be paying because I have calculated it on my own. It has saved me several thousand dollars in at least one transaction because the bank snuck in some fees I told them I would not pay. Everyone should be able to do this. I also agree with you that the universities over sell their degrees. That's on them. I hope the student loan discussion in the country is having people change their minds about going that direction or going to a stupid expensive university. Much better approach is CC and then university if a BS or BA is desired. Cheaper by far. mspart
  9. I don't see that as an excuse. The resource officer is there to protect the kids. By abdicating that, who knows how many kids would still be alive if he had gone after the shooter. He may not have won that is true. But it is just as likely, with his training, he could have taken out the shooter before more damage was done. Even with a 9mm and a few well placed rounds. I agree with everything else you said. I just don't excuse the resource officer who was armed and there to stop this kind of thing. However, we never truly know what we will do in a similar circumstance until we are in it. I will give him that much I guess. mspart
  10. Hi WKN, My understanding of the situation is that these colleges and universities want their student population to reflect the general population. So much White, so much Asian, so much Black, so much Indian, so much ..... So my comments were based on that. Harvard was not admitting Asians because their school population would be not in proportion to society in general. Asians would be over represented on campus. That was Harvard's argument to SCOTUS. So I was just pointing out that Stanford was not abiding by this, assuming this was their cause as well, and they need to bring in more white males on campus to get it to look like the rest of society. Obviously that means some other ethnic group was over represented. Title IX was also interpreted this way in some cases, that sports had to reflect the % of females and males on campus. This was one of 3 ways to comply. But what is not being said here is the fact that those in power do not think that Blacks, Hispanics, Indians can compete, that they can't measure up, so they need help. That is as much an indictment of our school system as it is of their racism. mspart
  11. You better think so anyway. mspart
  12. What I have not heard is the Scotus reasoning on this case. Was it solid? How about the dissent? Was it solid? I am not for loan forgiveness in general. You take out a loan and you pay it back, simple as that. You don't expect your neighbor to pay it off for you right? But more than that, this was attempted to be done by Presidential dictate, not by Congress. The law they were citing for loan forgiveness was strictly written for servicemen. How can that then be applied to general population? If Congress passes bills to the effect, and the President signs them into law, then it is law and we can not be happy but it was done right. This was not done right, and for that I am grateful SCOTUS stopped this. This is not government by a person, it is government by the people. The people (Congress) had no say in this. Why? Because it wouldn't have passed so Joe just said, well, I'll make it happen on my own. That is not the way to legislate laws. SCOTUS was correct, dissenters not. I agree with Husker, the fact that there were dissenters tells me they have no idea what the Constitution says. mspart
  13. Vak, can you explain this more? How is a huge increase in tuition and fees not as predatory as the banks? mspart
  14. Ok, got it. If a person has WR's seal of approval, legit candidate. Otherwise, he/she doesn't belong, not legit, go home not worth taking anyone's time. You can't take me seriously? That's your opinion. But for my part it is difficult to take someone serious that refuses to acknowledge that RFK Jr IS a candidate for the Democratic nomination. Here's a tip: When someone does all the paperwork necessary to become a presidential candidate, they are a legit presidential candidate. It doesn't matter if you approve or not. To your tip for me: I knew nothing about Clinton when he was running. Hick from AK is all I knew. Therefore, he was not a legitimate candidate if I go by your philosophy. Funny thing that he won eh? And he was not the front runner at the beginning because "who the heck was he". Here's the deal and the optics: Joe won't debate. RFK Jr will debate. Who's afraid of who? Why won't Joe debate, and the many follow up questions from that. I am not a RFK Jr acolyte. I would prefer Biden win the nomination. He's as weak as it gets. I think in the end he won't be the nominee. It will be like Lyndon Johnson, just not enough support. He's running on "Bidenomics" and 34% of the people polled approve of his handling of the economy. There is no there there. And no one even on the left wants Biden for a 2nd term. I'm guessing he will bow out and Newsome and some other Ds will take his place. I'll bet they would be happy and excited to debate RFK Jr and wipe the stage with him. I will be enjoying the 4th of July with my family. I wish you a Happy 4th of July as well. mspart
  15. Thanks for posting the participants. Funny not seeing JB on the list. mspart
  16. White men are 30% of the population according to https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/diversity-inclusion/555503-new-study-finds-white-male-minority-rule/ Therefore, at these schools, white males should be 30% of the school population. But apparently they were 12% at Stanford. So by their own rules they need to get more white males in there to reflect the general population. Isn't that their criteria? They weren't even abiding by their own criteria. That is interesting. mspart
  17. So what good is having armed personnel protecting a school if they won't protect a school? The prosecution must not have established his intent not to get involved is all I can figure. What does the future hold now? No one will get involved? That's the precedent set here. mspart
  18. I don't remember there being other candidates in 2020 on the R side and I don't remember there being a hue and a cry for debates. Trump was the candidate. I don't even know who they were. Were there 2012 D debates? Why not? I said RFK is bona fide because he is an official candidate on the D side. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he shouldn't be on a debate stage with Biden. From what you are saying, Biden would wipe him off the stage. That would dim his star and he would not be a candidate for long. If Biden won't debate him, then I could say he is not up to the challenge. What is wrong with that? Would I automatically be wrong? I don't think so. Imagine if Kyle Snyder said, I've been at the top so long I don't consider any challenger bona fide therefore the spot is mine without a wrestle off for as long I want. Stupid example, but the stakes are much higher. He must prove his superiority just like Biden should. That's my opinion. I hope Biden is the D candidate because he will look silly against any opposition. Now I say that because that's what I see. But he seems to rally for debates so maybe not. I could have said neither Inslee or Harris were bona fide candidates because they didn't even make it to a primary election. But they were on the debate stage with everyone else before the first primary vote. The did what was necessary to be a bona fide candidate, just like RFK Jr, whether you like him or not. My guess is he would not get your vote. So that's really easy eh? All I know about RFK is that he is RFK's son. That's it. That is all I know. But he is a registered candidate and Biden should show him the door on the debate stage. What's he worried about? So you don't like RFK Jr, because he is a bad person. Therefore no debate is necessary. Got it. mspart
  19. Where is the list of US wrestlers? Not finding it at themat. mspart
  20. Well, is that a reason not to have a debate? Nobody took WA gov Inslee or CA senator Harris seriously as Presidential candidates yet they were on the debate stand before Iowa voted. Of course both left before Iowa voted because nobody could stand either of them. Your opinion of him not withstanding, if he thinks he can win the Primary, and if he is a bona fide candidate ,then he should debate Pres Biden, or rather Pres Biden should debate him. By saying he won't debate, Biden is saying he can't win a debate, if I may be so bold. Put up or shut up Joe. My feeling is that Joe will end up not running. The D's don't really want him, the American electorate don't want him, and neither wants Harris. The D's need a better candidate really, objectively speaking. The R's need better than Trump objectively speaking. mspart
  21. Maybe so, but RFK says things that matter whereas Joe can't. Maybe we should look at content rather than delivery here. mspart
  22. Notice that the SCOTUS ruling points to the Constitution and Law. Dissents point to emotionalism and non law based arguments. That is the difference in approaches. What feels good vs the Constitution and law. Who is attempting to legislate from the bench? mspart
  23. Ah, I see the conundrum. mspart
  24. If you want the best and the brightest, who cares if one ethnic group is over represented or not. You have the best and the brightest. Harvard artificially kept out qualified applicants based on their ethnicity period. That is not right per 14th amendment, and the Civil Rights Law, as SCOTUS points out. It doesn't matter if what Harvard wanted felt good, it is against the Constitution and the Civil Rights Law. Not sure how this will be applied to anything outside of Universities and Colleges. But I would think it will become the standard for businesses and the Federal and State and local governments as well. mspart
  25. Yes, the whole point of this case was the curtailing of Asian students getting in to Harvard and UNC. What is the good reason to keep them out? mspart
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