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Everything posted by mspart

  1. He actually looked like that under his suits. They were so big it made him look very slim. But he was buff dude!! mspart
  2. Boy, what would happen if McCarthy did that? mspart
  3. They tried to impeach Trump before he took office. mspart
  4. And so does the Tank. If Sad is at top level, no one beats him. If Snyder is at top level and Sad is slightly lower, Sad wins most of the time. I think Sad would have to be unprepared as Steam said for Snyder to win, or Sad would have to make an unrecoverable mistake. What would be cool is if Snyder could figure out a weakness and exploit it to pin the Tank like what happened to him some time ago. mspart
  5. What physics do you speak of? mspart
  6. Is that what he is doing today? mspart
  7. Ban, I must say you are a master of convoluting what people tell you. You feign surprise saying you think I am concerned about N word books. Far from it, you are concerned about banning books. I gave you examples of non R people doing that and you excuse that away with faulty and non germane illogic. And then say I am concerned about N words. My argument is that authoritarianism is on both sides and somehow through your dizzying illogic you come up with me being concerned about books with N words. It is an exercise worthy of an 8th grader. I love your handle name, but I tire of your excessive need to put out false tropes. If you believe them I'm sorry for you. If your students believe them, I sorry for them being influenced by you. It is a sad situation where a person takes facts and twists them to illogical conclusions and then repeats and repeats until people tire of the tail chasing. It is petty and immature. You keep on being you, it obviously has brought you much peace in your life. Peace out. mspart
  8. Oh we have come aways eh! mspart
  9. None of it makes me think. Very bad people were in the US and had a plan to do this. And they did it as part of a jihad they had in mind. The final leg of their triumph was stymied by courageous people aboard the last flight. We can continually thank our lucky stars for those people and their sacrifice. I remember the day clearly. I was awakened by a phone call of a co worker saying they heard something was going on in NYC but they didn't have access to any news. Could I check it out? So I was at home ( I had just moved to Hawaii), he went to work a little early, I was just about to get up to get ready to head in, so I turned on the TV and was both horrified at what I saw and fascinated. I told him and he couldn't believe it either. That was a surreal and crazy day. I watched as people jumped from the buildings. I watched the 2nd airliner go in. I watched both towers fall. mspart
  10. These were not 30 percenter folks doing this as you call them. They were your people. Authoritarianism happened way in the past, in the near past, and today by many different groups. The fact that you WON'T acknowledge that authoritarianism happens in more than one sphere is a wonder for an educated person such as yourself. mspart
  11. My how shoes have changed!! mspart
  12. I stopped watching Intl Basketball in 1972 when the USA was robbed. It was an absolute joke of officiating. It was like the governor election here in WA where the R won in 3 vote counts but on the third recount, the D won and that ended the game. Same trick used in that Olympic game. Haven't cared about it since then and even more so with NBA players playing. mspart
  13. Aren't they both in North America? mspart
  14. https://www.marshall.edu/library/bannedbooks/the-adventures-of-huckleberry-finn/ After parent complaints about the use of racist epithets in To Kill a Mockingbird; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; The Cay; Of Mice and Men; and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, the Burbank (CA) Unified School District superintendent removed these titles from required classroom reading lists. Citing the use of racial slurs in the books, Duluth (MN) school district administrators decided to remove Twain’s book and To Kill a Mockingbird from the curriculum “to protect the dignity of our students” and not require them to read books that marginalize them. The titles remain in the school library, and are still optional reading for students. Conservative strongholds are Burbank and Duluth. It happens everywhere Ban. Wherever there is government that can exercise authority, there will be those wanting to use authoritarian means of getting compliance. You might want to add that to your curriculum. mspart
  15. So if I see authoritarianism being practiced not in a way Bro Bob tells us it is, then it must not be true? When my D governor says all state workers MUST get vacccinated, that is not authoritarian, it is just being concerned for the welfare of those particular workers? And as a result of unintended consequences, mountain passes did not get cleared of snow and the state ferry system has been crippled. All because he won't allow those folks to be hired back at the positions they were at when terminated. Or when the D NM governor decrees that there are now 2 places in the state where no guns can be carried but in a lock box, that is not authoritarian? Or when the D President, through executive order tries to make me pay for student loans that the students can't pay, that is not authoritarian? No law passed. Executive order used in this way is the definition of authoritarianism. It doesn't matter what persuasion you are. So if D's do it, no problem. If R's do it, big problem. Yes, I get it and the logic is tiresome. mspart
  16. If anything, cows are almost dumber than rocks. It's amazing their offspring don't get sick and die. Tough animals. mspart
  17. He may define differently, but my point is you can find authoritarianism on all sides. It is not more pervasive on one side over another. All sides have it. mspart
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