So if I see authoritarianism being practiced not in a way Bro Bob tells us it is, then it must not be true?
When my D governor says all state workers MUST get vacccinated, that is not authoritarian, it is just being concerned for the welfare of those particular workers? And as a result of unintended consequences, mountain passes did not get cleared of snow and the state ferry system has been crippled. All because he won't allow those folks to be hired back at the positions they were at when terminated.
Or when the D NM governor decrees that there are now 2 places in the state where no guns can be carried but in a lock box, that is not authoritarian?
Or when the D President, through executive order tries to make me pay for student loans that the students can't pay, that is not authoritarian? No law passed. Executive order used in this way is the definition of authoritarianism. It doesn't matter what persuasion you are.
So if D's do it, no problem. If R's do it, big problem. Yes, I get it and the logic is tiresome.