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Everything posted by mspart

  1. So Ban - No good on the pot roast? That really sucks. mspart
  2. So authoritarianism predominantly resides on the conservative side? Yes Brother Bob also treated Left wing, but the Wiki article you provide only mentions that while going on and on about the conservative authoritarianism. Interesting ignoring of history and current events. Why would anyone be concerned with authoritarianism on one side rather than on all sides? NM Governor declaring Albuquerque a gun free zone. She is a D, not an evil R conservative. Does this action not even hint at authoritarianism? It is not a law, she just pulled this one out all on her own and pretends it has the force of law. You will find what you don't like on all sides, not just the one you consider evil. mspart
  3. Hoping the Tank has not been training due to the limbo surrounding his involvement. If so, Snyder should be ok? Can anyone see any scenario where the tank doesn't take gold? mspart
  4. True. My neighbor says this all the time. Good luck with the smoking. Let us know how it turns out. mspart
  5. Nice try on diverting. Not happening. The above trumps your "Trump is racist" argument. You can't explain this in any other way (but you'll try no doubt). The link I provided shows him in the Oval office with a large number of HBCU Presidents. A racist wouldn't put up with that. And not only that, Trump signed an Executive Order to fund those colleges. As a racist, someone must have been twisting his arm, but he was happy to do this and crowed loudly about it. Congress agreed of course, what else could they do? Trump the racist brought to the HBCU colleges more federal funding than they have ever had and not on a yearly basis as previously done, but for years to come. More than any other President had ever done. And he changed it from yearly to multiple years so the Presidents didn't have to come begging every time. Now that's just racist if you ask me. Ban - I don't know about you but when I think of racist Presidents, this is what I think of. Go ahead an pick at it, the story is from the racist PBS. mspart
  6. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/trump-signs-executive-order-black-colleges Trump signs executive order on black colleges Nation Feb 28, 2017 6:51 PM EDT WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday aimed at signaling his commitment to historically black colleges and universities, saying that those schools will be “an absolute priority for this White House.” HBCU presidents are hoping Congress will bolster Trump’s actions to strengthen the schools with dramatically increased funding in the upcoming federal budget. They are calling for $25 billion for infrastructure, college readiness, financial aid and other priorities. Under President Barack Obama’s administration, historically black colleges and universities received $4 billion over seven years. “The next step is the budget. You cannot have mission without money,” Thurgood Marshall College Fund President Johnny Taylor told reporters outside the White House after the signing ceremony. Many of the college presidents also went to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to lobby Congress for more funding. Taylor said the $25 billion is needed to make up for years of underfunding and would cover the country’s more than 100 HBCUs. Several presidents and HBCU advocacy organizations echoed Taylor’s sentiments. “This is a great day for my membership and a great day for America,” said Lezli Baskerville, head of the National Association For Equal Opportunity in Education, an umbrella group for public, private and land-grant HBCUs. This is truly the actions of a racist. Even the HBCU Presidents were overjoyed and happily took money from the old racist. Oh and you'll notice that the colleges were underfunded for years. Lessee, 8 years before Trump was Hmmmmmmmmm Pres Obama. Nobody ever called him a racist. But Trump leads for year after year funding increases and current funding increases and he is a racist. An absurd position really. mspart
  7. Injection, injection, injection. mspart
  8. Are you sure Bob? I only ask because there was a TV show where people went to hell but it was portrayed as heaven. Just wondering if they snuck one by you! mspart
  9. Live content sucks. Where are the revision notes!!!! mspart
  10. Let me guess where the 0% slope lands are - North Dakota or up by Winnipeg (essentially the same). I went to the 1999 Pan Am Games in Winnipeg. I was told by someone that it is God's pool table and that if you look hard enough, you can see the back of your head. My eyes weren't that good back then so I couldn't see the back of my head but it was certainly 0% slope. mspart
  11. How will we get there? The Monty Python parrot sketch has a good description: 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!! That is how we will get there!! mspart
  12. Trump has been denounced as a racist and what you say goes along with that. I don't know about emails or Miller or Bannon, but Trump loudly proclaimed that he presided over the lowest Black unemployment rate ever. Loudly!! If it was declining before Trump, which data shows, he certainly did nothing to stop the declining trend. And he loudly proclaimed the deal to fund the Black Colleges for years to come. Loudly!!! These are apparently the devious and evil inner workings of a racist. mspart
  13. I never did one of those Ban. But even the steaks I smoked that I left in too long weren't bad, just a little tough but good on flavor. Never had a bad piece of smoked meat and I guess I've tried hard enough. mspart
  14. It takes a charisma and an extroverted personality. WWE is not for shy people. He may just come off as boring. mspart
  15. Ban, I don't understand why you are on this tirade. You say you are an educator yet refuse to be be educated about this. You are saying Gov Abbot and DeSantis forced people onto the buses. This is a flat out lie and this has been shown to you time after time. You know this, yet you still parrot this. For an educated individual who has taken it upon himself to educate others, this is egregious behavior. I'm sure you would not applaud your students if they did the same. mspart
  16. And he knows it but won't quit. That is bothersome. He has been shown by his own logic that this is not criminal. No prosecution so not criminal. That's the basis of his reasoning in other cases. But not in this case of course. mspart
  17. Yes, the request is not unreasonable but TX's requests go unfulfilled so why should Adams think NYC will be any different? The real request is to close the border and exercise the rule of law rather than some executive authority which is allowing the fiasco. But the WH will not do that because the plan is working and the border is overwhelmed with D voting grateful migrants. mspart
  18. With their permission. Not criminal. Hence no such prosecutions. mspart
  19. If prosecutors don't prosecute, what are the police doing? Following suit I would posit. Why arrest someone so they can just be released? Makes no sense. mspart
  20. 9 votes so far. Does that represent a quorum? mspart
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