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Everything posted by mspart

  1. My grandfather, who I never knew because he died 20 years before I was born, said once, my father reported, that "One boy is about as much use as 1/2 a man. Two boys are as much use as zero men." My dad grew up on a farm. mspart
  2. Perhaps Hamas should have thought of that before they executed innocent people in the kibutzes. mspart
  3. I thought this was a genius level question. Of course no one could provide a response. I'll give it a go. Thermodynamics is an advanced course of study for college level students. It is wholly inappropriate to put this in an Elementary school library because it would do no student there any good at all. As an aside, I knew a lot of college students that struggled with it as well. It's not that it is bad for elementary school children, it just isn't applicable to their level of knowledge. On the other hand, Playboy and the like are not found in elementary school libraries. Why? Because it is beyond the experience level of those children and will harm them psychologically. Heck it harms adults psychologically. So then why is anyone pushing for books that tell in text the same or worse as has been demonstrated? It is not a matter of banning, it is a matter of appropriateness for school age children. The government should not be in the business of peddling smut in the name of tolerance and equity. If you disagree, I will expect you to be advocating for elementary school children to have access to online porn and hard copies of Playboy, Penthouse, etc. A ridiculous premise to be sure. The books that are being "banned" are read aloud at school board meetings and they have to be stopped because of it's graphic and vile nature. Yet, this content is appropriate for elementary school libraries? Get a clue and use common sense. mspart mspart
  4. It is on record Hamas is below hospitals and in tunnels. Where have you been? https://mwi.westpoint.edu/underground-nightmare-hamas-tunnels-and-the-wicked-problem-facing-the-idf/ mspart
  5. My name is mspart - MS Engineering!! Call me Master mspart!! Essentially there was more intramural flag football, ultimate frisbee, wrestling, innertube water polo to play and officiate to have to go to work. So I got the Masters while having fun my last year. It was a great year, both the playing and the research. mspart
  6. My dad was the World's greatest Engineer. Perhaps you've heard of him. mspart
  7. Who wants that in their country? Obviously Jordan and Egypt know something. mspart
  8. My wife's aunt made habenero jelly and my wife loves it. She made some herself and the house was hot!! It was a bit hotter than her aunt's but was still decent. I like hot, but can barely handle a jalapeno raw. I do #3 at the Thai restaurants and sometime #4. mspart
  9. Are they going to vote again today? Is Jordan going to put an arm bar on anyone? 1/2 Nelson? Full Nelson? Why is it called a Nelson anyway? mspart
  10. Well, they have already been "banned" in certain places. That's why I mentioned them. mspart
  11. The Rs have a majority, but a very slim one. It doesn't take many to mess up a speaker vote. As we have seen. I wonder how many speaker votes have ended with some dissent from the caucus other than this session of Congress. Did Pelosi ever receive a no vote from a D in all her years as speaker? Did Hastert? Did anyone else? mspart
  12. You might add Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer to your list. mspart
  13. Joe Warren, the baddest man on the planet, got removed from competition for PED. I think it was pot, but not sure. I believe Jordan Oliver also couldn't compete for something similar. mspart
  14. I smoked a brisket on Fri. There were all kinds of difficulties. My burner wouldn't light, I was too low on propane so it stopped heating halfway through. It smoked way to fast. But .... It was the best brisket I have ever smoked, it was incredibly tender and tasty and it was just wonderful. We finished it in the oven at 350F, not covered in foil, splashing stuff all over. But it came out at 209 on the bottom and 197 on the top. I covered it lightly to let it rest for 30 minutes and my wife was too hungry. So I carved it up, very easy carving and it was awesome. It should've been bad but was the best. Batting 100% for smoked meats coming out really really good. mspart
  15. I think he has a good chance of getting it, but I don't think it will be easy with the fractured R caucus. mspart
  16. Hamas won't even let their people escape!! Cowardice on display! https://www.dnaindia.com/world/report-israel-hams-war-updates-israeli-forces-share-phone-call-with-gazan-claims-hamas-is-stopping-evacuation-3064696 Israel-Hamas war updates: Israel's defense forces have asserted that Hamas was preventing citizens in the heavily populated region from fleeing southward toward a locked border with Egypt as a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip looms. mspart
  17. Thanks for all the info. This will certainly be quite a show. mspart
  18. This is a lot of work you have done. At 57kg. I have a question about Zane Richards? Does anyone see him as the man next year? Will Gilman have his number? Is there anyone else that can displace Zane? I think there will be a change at 57kg. Zane didn't medal and Gilman did a year earlier so I am thinking that Zane had his chance. I'm thinking there is extreme hunger and we will have someone new in that spot. By new I mean not Zane. He seems especially susceptible. At 65kg - There are just too many to choose from that could make a go of it here. Nick Lee I think can do it, Yianni also. But then there's Vito, Daton, DeSanto, Zain, and JG. My guess is it will be between Vito and Yianni in the finals. If Vito goes 65 of course. Both of these weights are hugely packed with talent. What would the OTT qualification process look like for those no longer in college? Other than previous Olympian. mspart
  19. He beat the guy from GA 124-81 in the R caucus. Doesn't look like he has enough R support and will go the way of Scalise, unless he does a McCarthy. mspart
  20. Unfortunately fired? Ha ha. That was a joke right? mspart
  21. Jordan has graciously asked the R conference to back Scalise. What a jerk! mspart
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