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Everything posted by mspart

  1. So to be clear in context: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/trump-town-hall-with-hannity-12-5-23-transcript Hannity (18:33 We almost have to go to a break. I want to go back to this one issue, though, because the media has been focused on this and attacking you. Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody. Trump (18:51 Except for day one. Hannity (18:53 Except for? Trump (18:54 He’s going crazy. Except for day one. Hannity (18:55 Meaning? Trump (18:56 I want to close the border and I want to drill. Hannity (18:59 That’s not retribution. Trump (19:05 I’m going to be… He keeps… We love this guy. He says you’re not going to be a dictator, are you? I said, no, no, no. Other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator. Okay? Hannity (19:18 That sounds to me like you’re going back to the policies when you were president. Trump (19:21 That’s exactly… Hannity (19:22 Take a break, we’re just getting started. We’re in beautiful Davenport, Iowa. And that is the context. Trump will close the border and drill drill drill on day one. That is his definition of being a dictator only on day 1. So calm down Jonathan Karl. And he is equating retribution with policy changes on the border and drilling. Seriously, this is beyond silly what people are getting bent out of shape for. mspart
  2. I haven't read up on this much. Did he say why he is quitting mid term? mspart
  3. I haven't heard. I would like to see him compete. But at his age, it is a tough weight cut I'm sure. mspart
  4. Question: is the aid we have given enough to have defeated Russia? If so, Ukraine squandered it. If not, Ukraine probably needs more help. mspart
  5. Please elaborate on him trying to become a dictator and how it was that he was thwarted? mspart
  6. Make the mats ridiculously huge so that this isn't even an issue. Next! mspart
  7. Like he became a dictator last time. Like he was even close to it or attempted any sort of action. When it came to it, he left and let Biden come in. The national guard did not need to be called out, the Army was not put on notice, Secret Service was not alerted or anyone else involved in trying to stop Trump from becoming a dictator. One of the most ridiculous accusations I've ever heard. Again, I hope Trump is not the candidate and I hope that Biden bows out. My hopes will be dashed I'm sure. mspart
  8. I would say that Cox should be in this tourney to get the rust off. He hasn't wrestled competitively as far as I know for quite some time. This would be an excellent time to figure out how 97KG is going to treat him and what his chances are for OTT. I would think he would want to know what he is up against. mspart
  9. Let it so be written, let it so be done! mspart
  10. Vak, having fun with this. The FSU/UF rivalry has a lot of stuff. The Thanksgiving weekend rivalry games are all very rough and tough games. The Apple Cup (WA vs WSU) always seems tough. It was this year too, the Cougars took it to the Huskies but the Huskies won and are #2 in the nation right now. It could have easily gone the other way. Score was 24-21. But I am partial to the Iron Bowl. I was working with my daughter's boyfriend to run wiring from the house to the garage and the game was on. I turned it on my BT speaker and we were listening while doing the work. I have found the Tide Radio Network. mspart
  11. FL is nothing. AL is everything! Ha ha! mspart
  12. And our country is so much better for it. mspart
  13. There is a reason they call the Bama Auburn game the Iron Bowl and why it is broadcast nationwide. You never know who is going to win. 6-5 Auburn almost beat 10-1 Bama. Seriously messed up. Again, i don't think Bama deserved the win on what I consider a hail mary that worked. It has been pointed out to me that that was more of a planned play. Be that as it may, Auburn (who I really hate) played a heck of a game for a 6-5 team. It is almost always like that in the Iron Bowl. Which is why it is on the national consciousness like it is. mspart
  14. Good job. Didn't even address what I wrote. Just went on a left bented screed. 3 points for you!! mspart
  15. Man he looks thin. I'm sure looks are deceiving but he looks sucked down extensively. mspart
  16. Louisville is currently ranked #16. Alabama beat last week's #1 GA, current #11 Ole Miss and #13 LSU in SEC play. Of course they lost to current #3 TX. They also had very tough games with current #25 TN and Auburn, which they shouldn't have. B1G has 4 in the top 20, Pac-12 has 4 in top 21, Big 12 has 3 in top 22. I gave my top 4 before and AL is an alternate. I think a definite case can be made that AL should not be in the playoff, but I also think SEC is the toughest conference out there. 5 teams in top 25, 4 teams in top 13, 3 teams in top 11, 2 teams in top 6, and 1 team in top 4. I would say that is a pretty tough conference and the #6 just went down from #1. mspart
  17. SEC had 5 top 13 teams. That's a pretty tough schedule just right there. mspart
  18. Schwimming is tough no doubt. And a guy that can do either what you describe is very dominant. mspart
  19. Perhaps a little of both. If he feels his knees are good, then he needs to test them. Perhaps he also wants to actually finish some tourneys since he didn't a few high profile times. I'm guessing this is getting matches in and getting some lung back. Or he just wants to kick butt and take names. Or both. mspart
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