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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. I first read that story in Loose Balls: The Short, Wild Life of the American Basketball Association. Great book. Everyone should read.
  2. A much less authoritative source, my Oxford English Dictionary
  3. Yeah, I meant the mental gymnastics he employed to argue he did not need to honor the bet.
  4. Ah, I forgot about the bet with the 10 person minimum. I was one of the 10, though I cannot remember the specifics of the bet or the specifics of how he weaseled out of honoring it.
  5. I read on GIA/HR that classes for second semester start Jan. 16, so presumably we would know by then.
  6. I refer you to the world's most authoritative and accurate source's first definition https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/pinfall
  7. And I should have been clearer. I have made the joke a few times that as long as he sticks with junior varsity, pretend wrestling he is Gable Stevenson, not Steveson. As a matter of fact, it is GablLe Stevenson, until he returns to the ring with no ropes.
  8. Dude, give me a lot more credit than that. Have I ever come across like that? I am clearly referring to the N in SteveNson. I have said this many times on many threads.
  9. I do full service linking. The video starts at the point I am referring to.
  10. I was heartened to hear that both Chael Sonnen and Ben Askren agree with me that the N is in.
  11. Just watched Chael on FRL. He took his bad take (and apparently @SetonHallPirate informed him how bad it was) and turned it into a bit. Rather than say he was wrong he leaned into it hard and made it so absurd (wink, wink, AJ was being attacked and acted in self defense) that he admitted he was wrong.
  12. I love that Chael Sonnen was so upset about hot takes on this subject that he couldn't even pull his car over in order to issue his hot take. So silly. And by the way, the rule is Rule 5, Section 5, Article 3. It is easier to find from the side of the road.
  13. I counted 15 for sure. How did you get at least 100?
  14. We must have posted at the same time. But did you note the one vote that counts more than all the others?
  15. To be fair, there are a lot of PSU fans voting yes in this poll. But there is one notable Iowa fan too, whose vote may count more than others:
  16. They haven't lost all of the Iowa fans yet. From GIA/HR this morning:
  17. Don't forget all the technical pinfalls, TpF.
  18. Second best coaching staff in college getting fired over something someone not on the team did? Nope.
  19. My answer is incomplete, but let's give it a shot anyway.. I found this article that lists all of Sanderson's results, but there are a few complications. There are 167 matches listed here, not 159. I made a guess which 8 were not official matches (forfeits, matches against Team Excel, Iowa Central, and Cliff Keen). That still left one too many pinfalls. I am guessing the one against Ellsworth was not official, but that is based on nothing. Though it doesn't matter for this exercise, it still bothers me. There are three non-TF matches without a result listed. I found the result for one of these (1999 Big 12 final Dec 9-5), but not the other two (199 Big 12 semi vs Tom Grossman, 2001 vs. Paul Okins Mankato St). The likeliest place to find extra match terminations with three point takedowns is among the major decisions. There are 31 listed rather than the 27 @Hammerlock3 found. Two of them had a score difference of 15, though. Not sure which is wrong, the score or the classification. Let's guess it is the classification. That leaves 29 majors. Major margin of victory: 14 - 2x 13 - 5x 12 - 1x 11 - 7x 10 - 3x 9 - 5x 8 - 6x It seems likely that all of his 14, 13, and 12 point victories would have been tech falls. His winning scores were 20, 21, 21, 19, 19, 16, and 21. As @Jim L pointed out, this was before the 4 point near pinfall so it is likely that even in the 12 point wins there were at least three takedowns. The 11 point victories also involved very high winning scores: 14, 15, 16, 16, 17, 18, 20. How many of those had at least 4 takedowns? These feel like mostly catch and release type matches, so I am guessing at least 5 of the 7 turn into TFs. All of the 10 point victories were by 17-7 scores. Were they catch and release? Maybe. Let's give him 1 of those. Among the 8 and 9 point victories I am going to say only one of each turns into a TF based on re-scoring (one of two 16-7 wins, and a 17-9 win). Summing it up that gets us 16 extra match terminations. According to the NCAA article he had 61 pinfalls, 46 tech falls, 29 majors, 1 DQ, and only 20 decisions (and 2 who knows?) for a match termination rate of 67.3%. Make takedowns worth three and I think his match termination rate goes up to 77.4%. Note: someone once posted all of Sanderson's results. I do not remember if it was here or on the old forum, but if you are out there please fill in the holes and unknowns.
  20. But did he apologize? He, or someone, expressed disappointment and regret, but did he actually apologize to anyone for anything? This is reads like the genre of apology I like to call the nonpology. The black background, the sober language, the weird syntax, the feeling it was someone else's idea (doesn't the last sentence feel like something suggested he add?) are all hallmarks of the genre. At least it is not the worst form of the genre, the contingent apology. "If I offended..." And doesn't the signature seem odd? Doesn't the J in AJ stand for Jr? So why add Jr. to the end? Does he normally do that? I realize I am being uncharitable here, but he has earned a high degree of skepticism when it comes to any expression of contrition or awkward "apology", especially when it is as easy as a social media post that could have been authored by anyone. His actions and words have never matched this written statement. And he has had many, many, many opportunities to do that.
  21. The right AD move is to not say a thing. Just make them go away. If they are not ever on the team then there is nothing to comment on.
  22. Yeah, so the admissions department may save Brands from having to decide.
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