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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. I have lobotomized MrPB in, but I do not have enough info from realistic MrPB to enter.
  2. Starting in 2021 on TheMat, I started accumulating predictions for the Iowa v PSU dual. While this year looks a bit less interesting than the prior three years given the disparity between the teams and Iowa's latest result, I wanted to see if there is interest in tracking this again this year. If so, post your predictions here and I will assemble them alongside predictions from Go Iowa Awesome and Happy Valley Insider to come up with a wisdom of the crowds consensus pick as I have done in the past. As always there will be valuable prizes after the results are known. @Barracuda141 already got things started with his predictions in another thread on Thursday. Though since we all have more information since then, feel free to update your picks at any time up until mid-afternoon Friday. I will go next: 125: Ayala Dec over Davis 3-0 Iowa 133: Nagao Dec over Schriever 3-3 141: Bartlett Dec over Woods 3-6 PSU 149: Kasak Dec over Rathjen 3-9 PSU 157: Haines Dec over Franek 3-12 PSU 165: Mesenbrink Dec over Caliendo 3-15 PSU 174: Starocci MD over Kennedy 3-19 PSU 184: Truax TF over Riggins 3-24 PSU 197: Brooks MD over Glazier 3-28 PSU 285: Kerkvliet Pinfall over Hill 3-34 PSU I am very uncomfortable with that final score. I just do not see Iowa getting beaten that bad, but here I am. I expect Iowa to go with the 2023 Nelson Brands / any year Will Lewan strategy of committing to center control, hand fighting, blocking, relying on the CHA crowd to call for stalling on PSU before they get off the bus, and hoping to get to ride outs and win 2-1 with +1 second of RT. If they can then a number of matches could go either way. Certainly 133-165 qualify.
  3. I think the three point TD muddies the water. PSU has an easier path to bonus points so I think they would need to blow 171.5 out of the water if they are to be declared better. Or do it all with pinfalls.
  4. 2001 Minnesota at the most important point in the season.
  5. I always felt it was a missed opportunity for MSU that they did not recruit Spartacus "Sparty" Chino. He went to Ohio U instead.
  6. Always do the hook (half point) so there are no ties. And speaking of Bookie, that is the name of Sebastian Manascalco's new series on Max. Hilarious.
  7. BTW, hearing more about the process and what I hear is stupid. Not only are organizers requiring an entrant at the championship one week before the qualifier, they are talking about using the championship results to seed the qualifier which would force the same wrestler to enter both. Between that, if it happens, and our new challenge process we wind up aaking our top of the ladder to break their training cycle three times in a few weeks. And with the championship ending the 24th while the qualifier begins the 28th this is just stupid. By stupid I mean money grab.
  8. I stand corrected. 20% chance of 7, 80% chance of 8
  9. I have them at roughly 50% chance of 7 and 50% chance of 8.
  10. Over 7, but almost all of them were against back ups. Though not sure what to say about Michigan's 197 situation. Are they both starters? Both back ups?
  11. @Jon_Kozak Does "we won't see match 2 of Nick Lee Yianni Diakomihalis" mean that Yianni Diakomihalis forfeited? Or Does it mean we won't see it now, but will see it later?
  12. that is the edge of his thigh. Depth perception trick going from 2D to 3D.
  13. Speaking of which I had this idea. JC loves to start a new thread every time he thinks of something to say on a topic with an already active thread. He is an attention whore (takes one to know one) and this is his form of bumping. He even does it when he started the already active thread. Case in point, his Penn State Looked Human thread. It gives me immense pleasure that no one has responded to that thread. I feel like rather than ever responding directly to one of his threads all responses should be in a new thread started by the first responder. That might be fun.
  14. What do we do with that? There is a universe of things you didn't say.
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