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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Correct, they first determine the at-large and then use wins against the other 32 in the field as the definition of quality wins. There is also a weighting scheme for quality wins. For example, a win over someone with a 90% win %, or a top 5 in CR or RPI counts twice as much as a win over someone with a 70% win %, or 11-15 in CR or RPI.
  2. None. And Lehigh is touch and go to get two. Looking at the matrix there are two categories that are undecided between Stanich and Davis. Davis leads Stanich in quality wins by one, but if Diego Sotelo grabs one of the at-large spots, they will be tied. And it may come down to who has the higher coaches' rank.
  3. For me the answer is I do not read all the threads, here or elsewhere. I pick and choose. I picked this one because I saw Katie Britt's performance the other night and it struck me as overly dramatic, like she was acting. I even commented to that effect. To then find out she lied was not a surprise. My reaction is she cares more about sex trafficing in the US as a calculated political device to gain power, than as a human evil. If she truly cared about the problem she would not make up lies about it, because when the lies are exposed it detracts from efforts to solve the problem. Always does. Edit: that Vak started the thread matters, too. I find him to be a reliable narrator with interesting thoughts. There are many unreliable narrators on this part of the board. I generally avoid their threads, but not always, as you can see from recent posts.
  4. Why are you trying to make this about something else. Lets stick to the OP and think about it critically. His post uses the word admitted, which implies guilt. In fact it was report, by the INS, in a regularly issued report on legal immigration. Why didn't he use reported? Because admitted is loaded and reported is not. Admitted will get people's blood boiling, reported will not. These immigrants were legal and paid their own way, both of which the OP lied about. The OP also used quotation marks in strange ways like he was copy pasting from a source, but not really. And why not post the link to the source? Anyway, when you read things that do not add up you should not just accept them uncritically. Perhaps you could even engage the OP on the subject rather than asking me not to post.
  5. Fix does have the marginally better RPI.
  6. No, it is a comparison among wrestlers. This powerpoint does a partial job of explaining it starting on page 7: https://ncaaorg.s3.amazonaws.com/championships/sports/wrestling/d1/men/D1MWR_SelectionsProcess.pdf
  7. These were not illegal and they were not tracked using cell phone data. Both of those statements are intentional to make it all sound so clandestine and extra-legal. They were legal immigrants who paid their own way and the information was contained in a regular INS report.
  8. Your fault for blinking. Twice.
  9. I think it comes down to the 10,000ths of RPI. If the wrestlestat RPI is the same as the RPI used by the NCAA (and I think it is), then Yonger gets the top seed based on his RPI of 0.7427 vs Kerkvliet's 0.7422. Head to Head - Push, Quality Wins -Bastida has more quality wins (13 vs 10) - so either 20/0 or 15/5 - not clear when they do 15/5, Coaches' Rank - Kerkvliet 15/0 Conference Finish - Push Common Opponents - Push Win % - Push RPI - Bastida 10/0 So Bastida outpoints Kerkvliet by either 5 or 15 (depending on how QW is split), all because of a loss by an opponents opponent somewhere down the line.
  10. Someone missed weight in 2019, I think. Do you recall the circumstances?
  11. There is precedence for taking the 34th wrestler to replace someone who drops after the seeds are done due to injury. It happened in 2021 when Wyatt Sheets was added to 157 as the #33 after someone dropped (I never remember who). Sheets went on to finish 8th.
  12. I took this stance. I always take this stance. In a sport where 100% of athletes get injured, when they say they are injured I choose to believe them.
  13. But is it? There is another thread about most dominant teams at the B1G tournament and this team comes in 7th. The 1983 Iowa team had 9 champs and no one says Gable was bad for the sport.
  14. I bolded the parts that were false in my reply. If you can't follow that, I would ask that you please stay off the Off Topics board.
  15. How is asking an honest question trolling? You were at 15% last month and now at 10%.
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