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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. This. While DeSanto had problems before, and during his stay at Iowa, by the time he finished up, and now that he is at the HWC, I do not think anyone who is being objective can say he has not made a ton of progress with his impulse control. This is the best version of him we have seen and that is a direct result of his engagement with Iowa coaches and teammates.
  2. Let's not forget Jaydin "One of these things doesn't belong" Eierman with the near perfect progression 5, 4, 3, 2, DNP
  3. Hang on there, it didn't change any part of the bracket Wilson was in. He is not in the tournament because he lost 12 times total with 2 in the B1G that were in no way impacted by the Starocci situation. If he lost less, he would be in. Now let's play it forward and say Starocci does wrestle. That just means Wilson likely moves up to first alternate. Only one of Wilson's losses was Starocci's fault. The other 11 are on Wilson.
  4. Oh, believe me, I am a fan, but I can't not call bullshit when he goes the bullshit route.
  5. My favorite part of that interview was when he admonished the reporter by saying something along the lines of, "you keep focusing on outcomes"
  6. I am confused by this. Levi Haines has been in 5 OT matches in two years (11%), all against guys with winning records (Lewan twice, Robb, Zerban, Saldate) who make the tournament. And if he never wrestled Lewan it would drop to 7%. Meanwhile, Lewan has had 16 OT matches in the past two years (31%), including one against someone with a losing record. And without Haines it would be 28.5%. There is a significant style difference between these two wrestlers and going to OT is obviously driven by Lewan's style.
  7. He is unique. Incredibly boring, but unique. It isn't like he is backing up or avoiding contact. In the B1G final he is fully engaged with Haines; for the first 6 minutes one, or both of them, are on that M in the center of the mat. He doesn't start backing up until the last minute when the gas tank is edging toward empty.
  8. Is @jajensen09 his tweet ghost writer? Besides, what are we even talking about? If Starocci pulls a Suriano, Wilson is still not in.
  9. Myles Amine had 30 matches, followed by John Fisher at 29, and Jaydin Eierman at 28. Fisher did his in only 4 years (8, 7, 8, 6)
  10. It would break the 7 way tie he is currently in:
  11. Not sure about the other two, but Griffith and Davison were perfect fits for holes at Michigan. Griffith is a big upgrade over Maylor. And with Parris graduating (and Cassioppi not yet suspended) UM was the perfect fit for Davison.
  12. And those were minutes apart. Extrapolate it out to two weeks. He'll be going multiple SVs.
  13. This is also a small tournament phenomena. There is a very good chance Iowa finishes the NCAA tournament in front of Michigan, Nebraska, and Ohio State. Hell, how many times has PSU won NCAAs without winning B1Gs?
  14. Everyone wants to tell me how tough the Big 10 is when it comes to wrestling. But I'm not buying it. If it were so tough, how come it is so easy to get to the NCAA tournament from the Big 10? Let me tell you, there is a new sheriff in town and it is the MAC Conference. It is the toughest to qualify for the NCAA Tournament from.
  15. You must not have had the curve where you come from. My freshman year in college I had a chem test where 20% was a B. There was also a guy who got a 99% on that test. He is now a doctor.
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