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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. What is your new probability that Smith makes the final now that you have new information? Did it go up or down?
  2. False, false, false, and false. It is like you think people do not have access to the internet. Keep up the crappy work.
  3. Yep, possible bad break for Wilson / good strategy for Washington as Washington was ahead of him in the other categories (win %, coaches' poll, RPI) prior to the tournament.
  4. His win % is below 0.700. But his last coaches' poll was #24 and RPI was #17, so depending on how those are impacted by his B1G results, he may be touch and go.
  5. One of the criteria for at-large is to finish one slot below automatic qualifier at your conference tournament. And we are not sure Starocci is out.
  6. Absolutely trolling. He started out on GIA a few months back and is expanding his repertoire.
  7. Elon Musk is working on a neural implant brain/computer interface, but it may not be ready by this afternoon.
  8. I don't think @jajensen09 is anything like @Jimmy Cinnabon. JaJ believes what he says.
  9. How weird is it that thanks and like are gone, but we have lots of useless/meaningless crap in their place?
  10. Smith smokes Davis? How does 2% Smith get out of the consolation bracket to make that happen? Van Dee is right there with Nagao is what you say when Van Dee is behind Nagao. Hardy will beat Bartlett? Again with the consolation bracket guy. Too bad they don't have some sort of season followed by a tournament to sort this out. Lovett over Kasak? Yep.
  11. I agree, but it is because they refuse to go to Nebraska.
  12. Maybe. I thought it should be 104.5, not 105.5. But could be wrong.
  13. Dude, if you are going to slander someone get your facts straight before you pop off. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pennlive.com/crime/2021/03/ex-pa-wrestling-champ-charged-with-drug-possession-in-cumberland-county.html%3foutputType=amp He had a mason jar of marijuana and mushroom brownies. Not massive amounts of meth.
  14. Ruth getting some good recognition in the post match interview. Nice guy.
  15. Hmmmm. Doesn't look like the score on the screen has the UM team point deduction.
  16. Griffith hurt in that last exchange. Losses a team point with the head gear throw.
  17. Insult on injury. He had the TF if he rides him out, but cuts him anyway because he knows he can get a TD any time.
  18. Really needs to work on his top game. Took 5 takedowns to get to a minute of RT.
  19. Penn State Wrestling Club has the best site for this every year. Natties too. https://pennstatewrestlingclub.org/
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