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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. First and second alternates listed at 9 of 10 weights. No second alternate at 197. I wonder what that is about.
  2. The not a cell phone app I was incorrect to highlight, but nothing else. Read your on fact check. Also, I did not highlight not secret. You might want to read what Art posted above too on the topic of legality.
  3. What you heard is I avoid information and perspectives, what I said was I avoid unreliable narrators. Their perspective is not conducive to being educated. And the only way I know they are unreliable is to read and evaluate them first. When I realize who they are, I stop wasting my time on them.
  4. That is on the list of subjective considerations which are new for this year: Bad losses (Under .500% win percentage). Outside the top 30 Coaches Rank and/or top 30 RPI. Conference champion. Performance in last five matches (including conference tournament). Number of injury default or medical forfeit wins/losses. Best quality win. Wrestler availability (Injured or medically unable to compete).
  5. I am guessing he had the DT shakes and couldn't help himself.
  6. Right on time the King of the Unreliable Narrators enters the conversation. You cannot even read your own fact check correctly. Nowhere in there is the term illegal used. And while he uses the term inadmissible, in the same sentence he refers to them as authorized. And he also states they paid for their own flights. "But soon, news organizations began misreporting some of this, primarily in two ways. First and perhaps more importantly, some of the re-reportings incorrectly said the government itself was “flying” immigrants in, as though taxpayers were picking up the tab. As far as I know, that’s not true, nor have I ever reported anything other than that the program requires the migrants to pick up the tab. Again, the U.S. government only authorizes the flights, which some may consider bad enough."
  7. Since you generally think the truth is what you want to believe, I am ok with avoiding your truth.
  8. Earlier I got a message saying the site was being updated. Perhaps it had something to do with that.
  9. Wait? You are taking Nebraska? I never saw that coming.
  10. Speaking of facts. Fun fact. There is only one 4 weight combination where another school has higher expected points than PSU. Take the four lowest ranked PSU guys (Nagao, Kasak, Truax, Bartlett) and they come in second to NC State's lineup (Orine, Arrington, Fishback, Jack). Every other combination of four weights has PSU on top.
  11. I believe he is referring to the criteria change specific to conference tournaments. Which I do not think is a rule. Whereas what you are referring to is a rule change. Hence the confusion.
  12. Not according to this website, there isn't. The expected points for 125, 133, 141, 149 based on the latest ranking:
  13. 28 championships from 22 wrestlers. 158 AA's from 92 wrestlers (that includes 2020). Not sure where the difference is there. I could have someone coded wrong. Edit: But the NWHOF agrees with 158. Sorry, that is real hard to read.
  14. There is a big gap between untouchable and average. You are the only one going to those two extremes.
  15. I think it addressed having to only take one loss. With the new rule you have to take two. Not a problem for an undefeated wrestler, but an issue for someone on the bubble. Based on what @gimpeltf said in an earlier thread (and feel free to set me straight here, Gimp) the committee could allow the 2 injury default wrestler to be considered as having participated if they deemed he would be fit enough to wrestle at the NCAA tournament, or say he did not participate if they feel he would not be fit enough to wrestle at the NCAA tournament (call it the Suriano Clause). If that is accurate, then Starocci seems to fit in the former category based on what we have learned about his not wrestling at B1G. I just think this is a grey area when some want it to be black and white.
  16. After searching my memory, I think not. I think the winning team comes up on the mat and takes pics. Sometimes the other teams do, too. But not always, if I recall correctly. And I seem to remember teams milling around waiting for their turn. The second, third, and fourth were not all that enthusiastic and I do not think everyone on the teams bothered.
  17. I know there are only three trophies, but did they also shrink the podium? If so getting new podiums flies in the face of saving money on trophies. But, NCAA.
  18. Good point. This is such a complicated process (perhaps overly so), that I can see them wanting to get a jump on it with the previous CR, and then updating the results when the new CR is ready. But just guessing.
  19. While we all wait for the field to be announced later today, and the seeds to be announced tomorrow, I thought I would use the new post-conference Intermat rankings to see how PSU consolidated power and Iowa slid to the abyss. Oh, wait. Iowa is still in prime position to get second or third? Do tell. This goes to show, once again, that 14 man / 14 team brackets are very different than 33 man / 66 team brackets. Yes, NC State returns to the expected runner up slot, but Iowa still improved their expected points in spite of their fourth place team finish at the B1G, and looks to give NC State a run for their money. At this point it will come down to performance versus seed, rather than outright seed advantages, to determine second place. Teams sliding this week include Nebraska, Virginia Tech, and Missouri. Missouri is particularly notable. They sat at the top of the also ran heap as recently as January 23, but now are looking like they will be outside the top 10 (12th). Realistically though, that fourth podium spot looks like a real jump ball. Perform and it is yours... is what of 10 teams can say, but only 1 team will say. Meanwhile, PSU still looks like they will come up a bit short of the scoring record. But then there is always the PSU bump...
  20. From the NCAA Championship webinar: So we get the field sometime today and the seeding starting at 8 ET tomorrow.
  21. Yes, but I am not sure when it is released, before or with the seeding.
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