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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Unknowable until you know the line ups.
  2. I go back and forth on that one. Maybe Brooks felt some pressure from Hidlay and thought, "why take a chance? Cut him."
  3. I think you are referring to Brooks? If so it was 6-1. I think it is domination if you consider that he got an undefeated wrestler with 28 wins and an 80% bonus rate to back pedal for two periods without taking a single shot, even when trailing 5-0, before getting ridden for almost the entire third period. He big brothered Hidlay.
  4. The school does not decide. The NIL payer decides. And they have made every decision under the sun.
  5. I laughed my ass off at this. Which is not what he was going for. I think what happened was he did the move where a guy dives at his foot, misses (intentional or not) and he reverse spins over the guy for the go behind TD. Someone said, "dude, your a magician". Then he thought, "I know, I will dress up as a magician and use that as the lead in for the video of the move." He went and tried on a tux thinking that is what a magician looks like. but failing to realize he looks more like the father of the bride. Not wanting to spend any money (even though the bag is secured), he did not actually rent the tux, he just tried it on and walked around outside the dressing room while being videoed. That there is a guy in the background scrolling on his phone while AJ is busy not looking anything like a magician, was just an extra little treat for the lovers of high production values in the crowd.
  6. specifically disallowed by the NIL rules, which is not to say it never happens.
  7. With five #1 seeds they were highly probable to underperform their seed. That they did not is fairly amazing. If they had six #1 seeds it would have been nearly impossible to meet or exceed their seed.
  8. This will never happen. This would cross the line to athletes being employees. No way the schools want that.
  9. I don't know how much you should rely on the IPO pop. After being up 50% during the day iy closed up 16%. And remember Trump has a six month lockup. A lot can happen in six months.
  10. Transfers go in both directions. PSU started 4 transfers (though I laughed out loud at the the oxymoron "5 year rental"). Meanwhile, 4 former PSU wrestlers transferred out and qualified for the NCAA tournaments for other teams. They get what they earn. What could be wrong with that?
  11. I thought someone might. I don't know why I included years before wrestling started. Oklahoma State and Ohio State flip in the ranking.
  12. He was. Moved to ASU in 2022 https://thesundevils.com/sports/wrestling/roster/coaches/vincenzo-joseph/5096
  13. @BIGTENFANBOY, @Hwt1 I am not expecting to change anyone's mind here , but this is what it looks like from 2007 to 2024. And from a distribution perspective (logarithmic scale):
  14. Shane Griffith is credited with saving Stanford wrestling with his 2021 title. It took 5 Stanford wrestlers to try and save a whole conference. Massive over performance by the men in cardinal. Revenge of the nerds. Thank you Northwestern for showing the Midwest Brainiacs have as much brawn as the West Coast Men of Mensa. I will be especially excited if a wrestler with taped up glass finally brings home the title by calculating on his slide rule the perfect angle of attack in between periods. Even better if the refs call him over to explain the rules during a video review. The Midshipmen of Navy are more buoyant than Molly Brown. Their 5 wrestlers wrestled a combined 31 slots over their heads. I will sleep well tonight knowing these men protect us. Noticeably missing from the list are the elites. Shame on you PSU, Cornell, Michigan, and Iowa State. You may get team trophies form the NCAA...well not Iowa State, but still...but you receive no praise here. For this, I treated anyone losing in the blood round as finishing 9th, losing in the previous as finishing 13th, etc. I also treated any seed below 8 in a similar fashion. If you were seeded 12th, that was treated like ninth, etc. In that way anyone seed in the blood round group of 9-12 who finishes in the blood round gets a zero (met their seed). The same for anyone seeded 13-16 who loses in the round of 16, etc. As a result, the total does not add up to zero.
  15. 2022 ASU did you guys one better. They had 5 AAs who lost their last match. edit: actually did it back to back years, 2021 also
  16. I imagine it has. Search for teams with only even number finish AAs? I will take a look.
  17. You also see a lot of guys hugging Cody Sanderson first. Cael does typically stand back in those moments. Even in the most iconic hug, Bo grabbed Cunningham first.
  18. Trump does not have the shares today. DWAC is still trading. When DJT starts trading, he will officially have the shares. It will be interesting to see what restrictions the shares have. Unless they alter the merger agreement, he still will not be able to use them as collateral for 6 months. But why wouldn't they alter that agreement? edit: the court just ruled that he only needs to put up $175 million and he gets an extra 10 days.
  19. I say good stuff by @bracketbuster I come to a different conclusion about bonus points due to the impact on pinfalls, but comme ci, comme ca.
  20. It is time to review how the 3 point takedown impacted bonus point scoring in this tournament. At the beginning of the year I predicted that there would be a 32.7% increase in bonus points. I got there by making assumptions about the likelihood of near majors becoming majors and near tech falls becoming tech falls. So how did I do? Benchmarks Matter To answer that question we need to know what we are comparing to. 32.7% of what? Bonus point scoring is somewhat volatile from year to year. If we just look at last year versus this year we get a very different answer than if we look at last 5, or 10, or 20 years versus last year. Ideally, if the jump was real and meaningful it would not matter which time window was chosen. For my estimate, I used 1988 as a starting point because that is the starting point for when I have match data, so let's stick with that. The average number of bonus points per match was 0.43 and the one standard deviation band around that was 0.37 to 0.49. So, how did we do this year? Turns out we were spot on that +1 SD number of 0.49 bonus points per match. OK, so high-ish, but not exactly knocking my sox off high. Not even record high. As a matter of fact, as recently as 2016 and 2017 we had higher numbers. So What gives? PINFALLS I assumed that there would be a measurable jump in majors (just barely) which have a bigger impact than a jump in tech falls, which I also assumed would increase (correct). But what I failed to account for is that with more matches ending early due to tech fall, there would be fewer pinfalls. In hindsight, this seems obvious. A lot of pinfalls occur after the superior wrestler has had a little time to tenderize his meat. But, with tech falls coming hotter and faster, there just isn't enough time to really work over that tough cut and flip it. Verdict The verdict is still a little unclear. It is hard to be definitive based on one tournament, but that is the point isn't it? The result from this one tournament is not definitive enough to say the change in scoring led to an increase in bonus points. Yes, there was a big increase in bonus points over last year, but last year was a historically low total, and probably an unfair point of comparison. Yes, there was a measurable jump in tech falls, adding a half a point over a major. But there was a near identical drop in pinfalls, losing a half point relative to a tech fall. Asterisk So, what does it mean for PSU's record team points total? I think very little to nothing. It all comes out in the wash. 172.5 > 171.5 (170)
  21. How can I forget about Uncle Tony's nephew? Shame on me.
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