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Everything posted by VakAttack

  1. I don't even understand the complaint. The facility looks dope to me. That doesn't change my concerns with the on-the-mat product, lol, but the facility is cool.
  2. Now read the next two paragraphs. Like literally, the next ones. And then, two paragraphs later:
  3. Yup. A rock on a board on top of another rock on top of a raft in the open ocean. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/13/rfk-jr-backs-15-week-federal-ban-on-abortion-00111017
  4. I literally said in my post that he did not move on the issue, what do you think you're winning here? He did move on gun control and abortion, two of the biggest issues on the left side of the aisle. You can clearly see where I wrote "abortion plan". Obviously a typo, but you're being disingenuous if you claim you didn't know what I meant. As to gun control, yes, his positions are right wing. Did they "move"? I don't have the specific links, but I recall interviews where he said he would sign laws banning assault weapons, etc., and now his position is against that. Either way, his position NOW is a right wing position. You're attempting to debate semantics as opposed to substance, which is fine if you want to do that, but I'm not interested in this, a substance-based point I made, and debating the semantics. I didn't even make an initial argument as to actual policy positions, just a discussion of the political strategy.
  5. He does not have to go through all these guys, though, just 3 or 4 of them.
  6. I already named one in the post you quoted to make your original point: he's voiced support for a national abortion ban. He's also spoken out against gun control. He's also got his vaccination positions which have been mentioned, but to be fair those aren't shifts, he's long been an anti-vaxxer. His pro-Russian position during their current invasion of Ukraine. To the geniuses posting about how positions now for the parties are different than they were 5, 10, 20 years ago, no crap. That's politics. The current Republican nominee is literally telling people who voted for his opponent he doesn't want them and he's going to run those people out of the party, when they were the mainstream Republicans just 10 years ago. I see nobody has touched on the fact that the biggest donor for Trump and for RFK is ETA: Also, there's no ducking; I just usually take a break from posting right after NCAAs (or try to).
  7. Most of the guys you listed either graduated last year or the year before, with this year being amplified by a gambling scandal that took additional starters away. Meanwhile those young and dynamic bucks at Illinois have had one All American and 9 NCAA qualifiers since Poeta took over according to the Illinois website. Iowa had nine qualifiers this year. WTF are we talking about right now?
  8. Liberals are often brought in to speak at CPAC events. And they're notoriously big on national abortion plans. He still holds some liberal positions, but on Many he ha shifted to outright conservative positions.
  9. Again, if you've listened to him talk over the last year or so, he's shifted many of his opinions rightward.
  10. A weird situation in general. Kennedy's politics are all over the place but have shifted rightward throughout this process. His biggest donor is also Donald Trump's biggest donor. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-rfk-donations-timothy-mellon-fec-1872315 Trump has reacted on his own social platforms, acting as if he was outraged, but it felt more like he was trying to position RFK as the spoiler against Biden, similar to the strategy Dems ran in several places the last couple of election cycles, most recently with Schiff and Garvey in California. Basically going on and on about how leftist and liberal RFK is.
  11. You're really stretching yourself here. That's not how "ownership of a geographic area" works in a sports fandom context. Here's some examples: No matter what they do, New York will never be a Nets town. The Knicks own. No matter what they do, LA will never be a Clippers town. The Lakers own. No matter what the Buffalo Bills do, New York will still be Giants/Jets/Bills state (in that order), even though the first two teams play in New Jersey. Your whole argument centers around a single data point and you're trying to extrapolate it to have huge, wide-ranging meaning because people like Iowa be down and like pointing and laughing. Iowa is not a Cyclone State. It is unlikely to ever become a Cyclone State. Congrats to the Iowa State fans, coaches, and wrestlers for outplacing Iowa this year, though.
  12. it's wonderful that you feel that way. It hasn't happened in practice.
  13. Doubtful. They'd be looking younger.
  14. Man, what a fall. Hamiti used to live in Madison. Then we thought he was going to be in Ann Arbor and fat and happy at 174. Now he's living in Stillwater and he's Daton Fix's replacement at 133.
  15. Someone needs to tell Hamiti that if he does this, he, like, actually has to live in Stillwater. There's still time to turn back.
  16. One year of outplacing them by 1.5 points without even winning a trophy over a mich depleted team isn't changing anything. In the context of where they were this season, the head to head dual is far more important.
  17. There you go. The presumption being that disagreeing with you makes me partisan. Does that mean you're all partisans as well in your own minds? Either way, your feelings are not evidence, and just preclude the possibility that I, a former die-hard Republican, have thought about topics and changed my mind.
  18. Much like the House Republicans, you and others hurl accusations without evidence, accusations that are really admissions. Then, when pressed for evidence, you just claim it's self-evident.
  19. Yeah, but we all know Truax is spiritually a 4 seed.
  20. Or it's just the factual divide. I don't think Fani Willis should be removed from the prosecution, it's an incredibly high bar to do something like that. Letitia James laughing at Trump on social media, if it happened, would probably not be the way I would have done things as an elected official, but it's a bit rich for conservatives to complain about, and is not a violation of any law I know of. Who said the investigation into Hunter is a farce? The fact that Congress is involving themselves in a fruitless attempt to tie it to Joe Biden is a farce, because as has been shown repeatedly, they have no evidence. I watched every moment of Bobulinski's testimony. He had no receipts, and he looked like a fool with an axe to grind. You keep trying to paint me as some Hunter Biden defender, and keep trying to shift the argument away from where we started. The Rs launched this impeachment inquiry. They have nothing, and now they're tucking their tails between their legs and running away, then you and others are trying to hide behind rhetoric about it being due to a partisan divide/DOA when that literally didn't stop the same people from impeaching Mayorkas just over a month ago. So why was it not partisan enough to stop the impeachment vote last month, but this month they couldn't possibly? Because they have nothing. Here it is being illustrated by a D representative quite nicely.
  21. LOL. You asked a question, I answered. They are all based on their own unique situations and not tied to each other in any way, so why should my opinion of them be all the same? Being acquitted doesn't make it a farce.
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