Team race update going into the semis:
A few notes on today's action:
Iran didn't make a single semi today
USA has 1 in semis (Dake)
Russia has 2 in semis (Sidakov and Usmanov)
Head-to-head finals w/ Iran at 65kg (Zain vs lil Yaz) and 86kg (Taylor vs Yaz) could very well determine team race. 125kg head-to-head bronze w/ Parris vs Kurbanov is important as well both for unofficial team race as well as qualifying the weight for olympics.
head's up if you're watching on Flo, it looks like the order of the streams doesn't match the mats today. You'd expect them to be A, B, C, D, but it's currently D, A, B, C so double check you're watching the right mat.
Feel free to make a copy of this google sheet and play around with the "Prediction" columns. They auto-update the points and totals, so you can game out different scenarios.
this is why we shitpost to each other
on a more serious note, this is a close match. hopefully taylor turns on the gas in the second like he's done in the past
It's 4-1 in favor of Taylor.
2017 World Cup - David Taylor wins by fall
2018 Worlds - David Taylor wins 11-6
2020 Olympics - David Taylor won 4-3
2021 Worlds - Hassan Yazdani won 6-2
(edit) this is missing last year's world finals 7-1 in favor of taylor