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Everything posted by oldschool

  1. Will Micic be as much of a factor in a non-serbia-controlled weigh-in?
  2. Great writeup by @Jon_Kozak https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/12590878-57-kg-2024-olympic-wrestling-preview-spencer-lee-headlines-deep-field What's everyone's predictions here? I'm just hoping we get to see how Spencer fares against the best of the field.
  3. Really strong team – imho great mix of experience & new blood Feeling really confident about Spencer qualifying 57kg and semi-confident about 65kg (not because I don't have faith in Zain but because 65kg internationally is just brutal). Compare this to our 2020 olympic team: 57kg Thomas Gilman – Bronze 65kg Jordan Oliver – failed to quality weight 74kg Kyle Dake – Bronze 86kg David Taylor – Gold 97kg Kyle Snyder – Silver 125kg Gable Steveson – Gold First off, I would ***ducking** love to see these two teams wrestle.. 2020 US MFS olympic squad vs 2024.. 2020 David Taylor vs 2024 Aaron Brooks, 2020 Kyle Dake vs 2024 Kyle Dake who's older / younger / benjamin buttoned, 2020 prime Gilman vs 2024 Spencer Lee, I'm still taking Lee and I think both of these guys have known this would be the result for years if Lee was healthy.. 2020 Jordan Oliver at the end of his career vs a more mature 2024 Zain Retherford, not sure on this one.. 2020 Steveson would probably smash 2024 Mason Parris but I think / hope it would be closer than people expect. All in all, I'm happy that the process did it's thing and that our team reflects our strongest domestic wrestlers as of 2024. My predictions for 2024 olympic team: 57kg Spencer Lee – qualifies & medals; Gold is def possible if his knees hold out?? 65kg Zain Retherford – 50/50 on him qualifying, but if he does, then I'll go Bronze; he's def our best bet at medaling, but I just didn't feel that fire in him like he had at 70kg 74kg Kyle Dake – Bronze / Silver depending on where Sidakov sits (he's only 28 assuming he's allowed to compete) 86kg Aaron Brooks – Gold – this is the one that I think will surprise a lot of people; really looking forward to him vs Yaz, though I wish he had more senior international freestyle experience. he completely shut down Taylor though, and he has so much experience in the room in his favor to prepare. was def surprised that Valencia did so well against him. also something about god having his back; I dunno, it always sounds like he's in a cult when he talks, but for the purpose of predictions, I think that's a good thing. Can't be fully devoted without being a few standard deviations away from the mean. 97kg Kyle Snyder – Bronze – maybe a silver if Sadulaev isn't allowed to compete? 125kg Mason Parris – Bronze If we're being honest, I think our best shots at gold are 57kg and 86kg, though 57kg hasn't qualified yet, and 86kg is pretty untested internationally so who knows. Really hoping that one or more of Zain / Dake / Snyder / Parris steps up and crushes it for olympic gold
  4. It's difficult to capture screenshots due to peacock's protections and the fact that the camera angle is on the opposite site. fwiw the ref is on the side that the singlet pull happened on. Pretty clear even from this poor angle that there was a singlet pull, but much more subjective whether or not it was worth calling and having the ref take over the match like this w/ seconds left.
  5. no; it's coming up in 3 matches on mat 1. last match of the night I think
  6. brothers is what the announcer said, though I don't understand the specifics
  7. Nolf vs JB up next on mat 1. I think Nolf's closed the gap and this may be his time, but JB looks dialed in & focused, so imho a tossup. Def one of the matches I was most excited about coming in
  8. nope; watching online. can't argue w/ the in-person perspective just giving my perspective from the couch
  9. it already happened; gwiz won 5-1, though for some reason I thought it was a tech
  10. Really excited for Zane Richards vs Spencer Lee I like Richards a lot, but I just don't feel like he has a shot internationally. Crossing my fingers for lee's knees
  11. peacock's choice of what to show on their main / overview channel has been really frustrating. most viewers aren't going to be on trackwrestling to follow upcoming mat assignments and be switching channels back & forth to follow the marquee MFS matches. at least this session there hasn't been random audio & video issues.
  12. not that I know of. in this specific case, BB held mckenna for I think like 15 seconds. was very close to being a fall and a lot of refs prolly would've called it there, but no additional points were given aside from the initial exposure. not for the TD or the extended back points
  13. OH SHIT; Cox leaving his shoes. not the best showing today, but damn a helluva career. RESPECT
  14. j'den cox just slipped out of his own throw attempt. 2-2 now w/ moore up on criteria. def looks like cox is fading, but we'll see...
  15. they have 6 guys wiping down the mat for j'den's match
  16. wow; they just skipped Nolf and Cox. wtf peacock?! this is amateur hour. I'm fine w/ showing WFS matches, but at least let us know that the MFS is going on and how to watch it. the viewership numbers speak for themselves
  17. oh shit; I didn't even realize peacock wasn't showing this match on their main channel. so weird. I guess they decided a cox match would be too boring to put on primetime
  18. JB was kind of asking for it. nothing wrong on his part; I would've been dragging my feet on every whistle if I was 15 years older than my opponent as well, but that's not the type of move that'll get the crowd on your side. I feel like folks are trying to make this a "penn state disrespects JB" thing whereas I see it more as a "crowd boos guy who's obviously taking his sweet time" game. would've happened if it wasn't penn state and would've happened if it wasn't JB.
  19. JB vs MM was entertaining at the very least. JB got a lil ticked that MM kept going when they were heading off the mat which is kind of like MM's whole thing. anyhow, interesting to see the crowd rightfully giving JB a hard time for getting testy and taking his sweet ass time on every whistle blow. that being said, MM never really had any good opportunities and was clearly outclassed by JB
  20. So am I correct in understand that all championship matches are done until 6:30pm ET tonight?
  21. yeah; I think we all understand the scoring. the point is that this is a perfect example of where the current freestyle scoring system doesn't accurately reflect the dominance of the match
  22. BB mckenna match is a perfect example of where folkstyle gets something right. The dominance points of holding a guy on his back for nearfall and the fact that mckenna was very nearly pinned make that match result leave a sour taste in my mouth.
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