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Everything posted by juniorvarsity

  1. Somebody out there has a clue. Please share
  2. Which recruits have they failed? Freshman AA is rare for everyone except Penn State.
  3. I am very excited to watch Ohio State. The pre seeds provide a lot of exciting potential matchups. Whoever your team is, you probably feel this way. McCrone - good draw - Volk and Smith - and get to see how to weigh the VT win Mendez - possible matches against both Hardy and McNeil Paddy - Chumbley split matches with each other last year, excited to see how much he has improved. possible quarters with Teemer/Andionian/Shapiro Hoffman down at 184. Quarters against Foca. Geog vs Sloan in quarters Feldman vs Hendrickson in quarters
  4. I think the 4 point nearfall makes more sense with takedowns being 3 points. The main point coaches made about the 3 point takedown was the weight of the TD in relation to the 1 point escape. I anticipate the new scoring system is an improvement, but I'm going to need to watch a season of wrestling to really let is digest. I can't just watch Super 32 and make a judgement.
  5. So any details on the injuries for Hoffman and Hepner, and any inside knowledge as to why Geog would take the spot. I have agreed with you previously. I am hopeful Geog is good enough to take it.
  6. As if Tom Ryan would let that shit fly. If he even got whiff of something like that going on, Sammy would be gone.
  7. https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/news/2023/08/confrontation-amid-carjacking-led-to-shooting-of-former-nazareth-wrestling-standout-cops-say.html
  8. It does not add up with what the news articles stated about the incident.
  9. She never wrestled for Penn State. And OP didn't mention Snyder and listed Dake next to Cornell.
  10. Still waiting to see if any kids from UNC, Princeton, or Stanford hit the portal. They have a limited time window once the head coach leaves.
  11. Super interesting. Gotta give the job to Koll, though. A proven guy. What he did at Cornell was amazing. Does anyone know who else applied/interviewed? Where else would Terry Brands apply to coach at? Is he gonna throw his hat in the ring for the next Big 10 head coach opening? He was def not on my radar for potential head coach jobs.
  12. wow, I had no idea they ever got a trophy. We know the list of schools to win the tournament is super limited , but a graphic of all the teams to get a trophy over the last 50 years would be very interesting to me.
  13. I don't see plastic. But followed by coaches? that's wild. Young men love looking at this stuff on their phones.
  14. You're right. With swiderski moving up, it takes one out, but he nay only be going up because of the circumstances. Kinda dumb to have a logjam on a team that has yet to find the success they strive for. I like Dresser. There's a feeling that good stuff is happening there and moving in the right direction, it just doesn't show with tournament team points.
  15. In my humble opinion, it feels like the Iowa State fanbase is happier with Dresser than they ought to be. There has not been much of an improvement since he took over with tournament team points. In theory, they should have done their best this year with AA threats with Terukina, Paniro(out), Swiderski, Chittum, Feldkamp, Bastida and then obviously Carr. Flo has Iowa State tournament team ranking at 11. They have a lot of upside with where these kids are currently ranked.
  16. you're right. that too. i like that kid, though. he is so fun to watch. he might carry on the torch of PSU guys with high octane offense. that is fun for everyone to watch. also, Joe Sealey is going to PSU. How is everyone going to fit in that lineup. and is Kasak going to go 141? Van Ness is going to hold down 149
  17. Penn State, based on preseason rankings, picked up 30 tournament team points through the portal. I realized this today and it bothers me. That is more points than my Buckeyes currently have based on preseason ranking projections. Those points will not even be needed to win the trophy, but still, I do not like it.
  18. I have heard differently from someone that was there during the Kolat years as well. I was also told that Jaworski's Hodge was in the locker room.
  19. Kolat was hired as Campbell Head Coach in April 2014. Coleman Scott has hired as assistant coach in May 2014. Became Head coach the following year and we all knew it was gonna happen when he was hired. You would think Kolat had a clue about Mock leaving in the next year. It always seemed like Mock was just sticking around for his kid. I am going to guess that the ship has sailed for Kolat and UNC. Side note, the whole time he coached at UNC, there was a big picture of Jaworsky in the room. He LOVED looking at that every day at work.
  20. Thank you for that. Correct. They both medaled in 2018. I am unsure if he is still on staff. I feel like I heard he left NU on FRL.
  21. Third thought - Gross is the most recent world team member with a job
  22. Two thoughts - please correct me if I am wrong. The youngest world champ with a job is Stieber. Gwiz is the most recent medalist with a job.
  23. Ryan did say Feldman weighs 240 and is physically stronger and faster than when he showed up on campus. I am very excited to see him wrestle again a very tough heavyweight field. I am with you on 197. We do not have enough info on Rogotzke to tell how he compares to Shumate. I think Rogotzke was a bigger recruit on the Big Board(I think), but he is a freshman so we will see.
  24. As a Buckeye fan: Feldman - AA 8-6 Bouzakis - AA 8-6 Hepner - R16-R12 Shumate/Rogotzke/Geog(probably 197) - NQ but not enough information to make a good prediction Kilkeary/Gonzales - NQ
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