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Everything posted by DJT

  1. It’s what he is referring to, which Pritzker signed yesterday. And yes, illegal aliens can get U visas and become police officers in Illinois now. F’ing ridiculous.
  2. https://newschannel20.com/news/local/illinois-bill-would-allow-noncitizens-to-become-police# Federal law requires all law enforcement to be US citizens. Illinois’ law is looking to circumvent it.
  3. Are they sure it wasn’t just a homeless encampment?
  4. This belongs filed under: the problem with our government/democrats/
  5. The US budgeted $45B this year to “fight global climate change”. Meanwhile, nine million people starve to death globally each year. That’s $5k per person who dies from starvation that our federal government spends on doing something that may or may not help something that may or may not be happening. That’s not saying we shouldn’t care about the planet. There are just more immediate concerns that need to be addressed and more efficient ways of spending our money. Solving world hunger would be a good place to start, and the bonus is, lifting people out of poverty is the only proven way to help the environment. Bjorn Lomborg has a lot of good stuff on this.
  6. Clearly false. The Earth is only 6,000 years old, but there will be plenty of hot days during their time in Hell. Heathens.
  7. Over half of Threads users have already stopped using it. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/over-half-people-signed-threads-100727028.html
  8. Elon is a masterful troll.
  9. I’ve had people argue against scientific evidence because it wasn’t the “official science”. I pressed them on what they meant, and they said, “the science that the government says is correct.” Such people should be deemed incompetent to vote.
  10. “All I see are a bunch of Uncle Toms.” - Liberal white people
  11. The author of the blog is the co-author of the peer-reviewed study that he has linked in the substack. The blog just described the study for those who won’t read the piece in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation. It also wasn’t so much about the boosters as it was the danger of the second shot of the series to become “fully-vaccinated” and the Moderna shot in its entirety. Anyhow, the real takeaway from it is there have been less than honest statistics used to “prove” the risk to the most at risk group (15-35 year old men) of developing cardiomyopathy were minimal while using equally less than honest statistics to “prove” the benefits were maximal for the least at risk group (15-35 year old men) of dying from Covid.
  12. DJT

    Ice Cream

    The Pearl is a good one in LaCrosse. As is Dairyhaus in Rockton, IL. Home of Tony Cassioppi (well, his high school, at least… not sure what town he’s from). I wonder if he has an NIL deal with them? If not, he should.
  13. DJT

    Ice Cream

    Definitely my favorite “Superman” style I’ve cream. Blue Moon, Vanilla and Black Cherry
  14. It seems like we get along better on food threads… I’m somewhat of an ice cream aficionado, but my go to has to be Cedar Crest Daily Grind.
  15. DJT


    You’ll have to ask @WrestlingRasta. Ever notice when you buy a box of assorted chips how many bags of Cheetos they put in it? Like, sweet, 18 bags of Cheetos and only 1 bag of Cooler Ranch Doritos.
  16. I did. You added to it after I copied. The fact remains our country is over regulated. If you took the costs of all regulations in the US, that cost would be the third largest GDP in the world, behind the US and China, but ahead of Japan. The government does not grant rights, but it can take them away. If the government claims some legislation is “creating” rights or “protecting” rights, it means it is taking rights from one and giving them to another.
  17. Uggggh. I’m not really up for the whole “I’m going to argue that you’re saying something even if you didn’t say it” thing. You have a nice[sp] for that, and I’m not in the mood to play.
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